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时间:2021-10-12 00:28:01 来源:学生联盟网

河北省乐亭县2011年中考英语一模试题及答案 2011-4-21 102409 --VI.完形填空共10分,每小题1分“Lifelong learning” is a popular idea all around the world,but what does it meanMany people believe we can learn everything 46_____we need to be successful in life at school.47___ it is not true.In modern society,everything is changing very 48_____.Lifelong learning means learning new skills and knowledge through our 49___ lives,not just when we are young.Lifelong learning can also mean learning something to make our lives happier 50______ easier.Older people might attend a 51______ course because they cannot send an e-mail to their children,or someone might learn a new 52_____ so they can talk to their foreign neighbor.In one American city neighborhood,all the women went to a self-defense自我保护class so they could 53____ back if a thief attacked them All these are different examples of lifelong learning.Lifelong learning has helped people like Peter J.Daniels,an Australian businessman.Peter grew up poor and when he was a child he experienced learning difficulties.A teacher once told him,“Peter,you will never become anything in life.” After leaving school,Peter became a builder,but he still wanted to 54____ and learn how to read.He bought a dictionary and slowly taught himself how to pronounce words and sentences.Later,Peter started to read books from cover to cover.He read 6000 books on politics,religion,business and history in two years.All this knowledge helped Peter start a business career.He has written several books and received many honors and awards.Lifelong learning can help people realize their ambitions 55_____.46.A.thatB.whoC.whereD.when47.A.And B.SoC.But D.Because48.A.slowlyB.fastC.easilyD.hard49.A.wholeB.mostC.partD.some50.A.and B.butC.orD.yet51.A.danceB.cookC.scienceD.computer52.A.invention B.knowledgeC.subjectD.language53.A.pushB.fireC.turnD.fight54.A.make progressB.gain knowledgeC.have honorsD.achieve success55.A.at teenageB.at old ageC.at young ageD.at any age46-50 ACBAA 51-55 DDDAD 友情提示范文可能无法思考和涵盖全面,供参考最好找专业人士起草或审核后使用,感谢您的下载