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时间:2021-07-22 13:29:10 来源:学生联盟网

EEC教材九年级上Unit5 Lesson 2教学设计课题A Very Special Olympics课型阅读课授课教师姜慧英学校96中学教学目标知识目标a Learn the reading skills.b Learn the good words,expressions and sentencesc Learn the structure of narration.d Learn the writing skills能力目标1.Improve studentsreading skills.2.Improve studentswriting skills情感目标Encourage the students to overcome difficulty bravely and help each other when facing difficulty.教学重点Learn the reading and writing skills.教学难点Improve the writing skills.教学方法Task-based teaching approach.Exploring and discussing.学法指导Reading,analyzing and discussing.辅助手段Ppt.教学步骤教学内容教学过程设计意图Step 1Before readingFinish whats it aboutAsk some questions about Olympics and special Olympics.Lead in new lesson.激情引趣,导入新课。Step 2While readingTask 1 Skimming Reading for style Task 2 ScanningReading for main idea.Task3 Intensive readingReading for detailed ination.1.学生在问题的引导下运用阅读技巧,理清文章脉络,抓住主旨大意。

  2.能独立完成课后习题,掌握文章结构。并试着根据文章脉络绘制思维导图3.关注文章的细节,让学生充分理解故事的发展过程和六要素在文中的体现。从由读到说为由读到写做好铺垫。Step 3Afterreading1Give them more questions to find if they grasp the whole passage.2.Have them find out the beatiful sentences they think.3.Showing writing Write a short passage to introduce an experience that happened to them in a sport meeting.Then show them to one another.1.模仿写作降低学生的写作难度,让学生不畏惧写作,敢于动笔。2.学生互改互评增长知识的同时进一步理解了本课的德育渗透点-合作是重要,胜利不是一切3.让学生即学即练自己完成语段,培养学生独立成文的能力,检测知识的输出情况。4.佳作展示,学生互评。互相学习、借鉴。Step 4Summary Cooperation is important in our life,helping others is helping ourselves .Winning isnt everything.从不放弃,不怕困难,相信自己,才能取得成功。Step 5HomeworkWriting a short passage according to the ination of “Jobs for Teenagers on page 52”.(教师自编的一道新的书面表达题。)培养学生学以致用的能力。板书设计Unit 5 A Very special Olympic A Mind Map of the Story