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时间:2021-10-27 00:23:56 来源:学生联盟网

I语言知识及应用第一节完形填空本文是一篇关于睡姿和性格的科普说明文。1.A 词语复现。与上文的secret and real 和下文的your sleeping position shows the real相对应,原閒复现。2.C词语复现。与下文出现的position相对应。3.D常识推断。在正常的睡眠中,人们可能会频繁地frequently转换睡姿。4.A逻辑推断。前文提到you are a very open person,那么就应该是你很容易被新 的想法和潮流所应影响influenced。5.C逻辑推断。,由上下文可知,因为你不喜欢使别人不高兴upset people,故选C。6.D词语同现或逻辑推断。上文提到you are very shy,5,那么就血该臭youa佗rTt very confident”,因为not confident和shy奇能会同现。另外,“你彳良害羞 很可能就是因为“你不自信”,逻辑推断,故选D。7.A常识推断。前文提到You worry a lot5那么这里就应该是容易不高兴easily upset o8.D寢辑推断。从youre very stubborn这句话进行逻辑判断,brave ,gentle和timid 均和句意木符合,只有ambitious符合题意。9- B逻辑推断。由下文可知,应选Bnervouso10.A逻辑推断。有下文的so youe often defensive可知。11D 逻辑推断。下文的you don9t normally like meeting people可知。12.B逻辑推断。根据下文可知,你拥有平衡的、正常的性格,故选B。well- behaved意为行为端正的” ,well-known意为“著名的”,well-built意为体 型匀称的”。13.C 反义同现。weaknesses和strengths反义同现。strengths and weakness 也 是固定词组搭配,意为“优缺点”。14.B逻辑推断或近义复现。depressed与前文的“anxious乃近义词复现。15.C逻辑推断。既然前文讲到You always say what you think,那么这里就应该是 不怕“惹怒(annoy尸别人,故选C。第二节语法填空船难中唯一的幸存者在荒岛上建了一个小木屋,却因木屋着火时的浓烟而意外得救。


  16.his回指人称代词He,词组come to his rescue表示“来救他”,意同come to,用ed形式作状语。rescue himo17.Disappointed指逻辑主语he“感到失望的”18.to find动词不定式作状语,表示一种出人意料的结果。19.with因be filled with是固定搭配,表示“充满”。20.was approaching当时船正在接近小岛,所以此处用过去进行式。21.lt回指前面的名词shipo22.the特指代上文中那个在荒岛被救的人。23.discouraged因“助动词get过去分词”表示动作的意外发生或状态的突然改变,故此用过去分词,该过去分词表示“气馁的、泄气的”的意思。意义的连词。24.But前后存在转折关系,且横线后无标点,故填表“但是”25.that在限制性定语从句中,先行词指物且被不定代词修饰,关系代词用that。n阅读第一节阅读理解A两个小男孩要挖穿地球,被旁观者耻笑,其中一个男孩表示,就算他们不能 挖穿地球,他们已经有了很多收获。作者通过这个故事告诉鼓励我们不要太计较最后 的成果,汪重过程的收获。26.A细节理解题。根据第二段末尾的stopped by to watch在旁边停下来观看第 三段的” What are you doing沙asked可知,选几个大孩子对这两兄弟在正做的 事感到很好奇。27.D 细节理解题。根据第七段的Then he said quietly and confidently,Even if we dont dig all the way through the earth,look what we found along the way呵知,该男孩是要展示,即使他们挖不穿地球,他们在此过程中已有很多收获。28.A 归纳判断题。由第八段的but it did cause them to dig.And that is what a goal is for-to cause us to move in the direction we have chosen(但正是这个目标鼓励着他们去挖,这就是目标的作用一驱使我们朝着我们选定的方向前进)可知,作者是在说 明”目标很重要” O29.B句意理解题。本句字面意思是“正是在挖的过程中过生活(life is livedMIive life的被动式尸,结合前句”看看这些因为我在努力做某事而走进我生活的美妙东西” 和后一句”而且我相信到最后真正要紧的还是过程中的乐趣”可知,”生活本身就是 在达到某一目标的过程中”,故选B。30.C 主旨大意题。由首段中achieving what you set out to do is not the important thing(达到你设立的目标并不是最重要的事)和本文最后一句“我相信到最 后真正要紧的还是过程中的乐趣”可知,作者认为过程比结果重要,所以本文是希望 我们好好地“享受过程”,故选C。B本文作者通过讲述自己在飞机失事后的感受f号 召听众感受生活,不拘泥于小事,热爰家庭。31.D推理判断题。根据全文可知目标读者。32.A词义猜测题。根据第二段第三句I thought about all the people I wanted to reach out to that I didnt,all the fences I wanted to mend,all the experiences I wanted to have and I never did 可推知。33.C推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句I realized at that point that the only thing that matters in my life is being a great dad可知。34.A推理判断题。根据第二段可知,作者认同 bucket list不是因为生命短暂。35.B推理判断题。根据全文主旨及结构可知。助读强化fence n.栅栏 postpone vt.推迟 reflect on 反思 in an instant 一瞬间 negative energy 负能量 make sense 有啟义细节理解题。根据第三段第三句的they seemed to say,“Let me go Let meC本文通过风筝的例子说明不惜一切追求自由是不值得的,反之,适当的约束反而可 使我们飞得更高。36go I want to be free可知B项正确。37.C细节理解题。由第三段末和第四段可知,那个挣脱了线绳的风筝自由得随风而 飘,到最后“无力地躺在尘土中,无助地任风沿着地面将其吹走,碰到第一个障碍物 便毫无生命地卡在那里了”,连动摊的自由也没有了,故选C没有约束便没有自由。38.C词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段第二句的rules to follow from which we can grow and gain strength和最后一句的...never rise high enough to get our tails off the ground可知此句意思为“我们中的一些人对法律抵抗得那么厉害,以致 达不到本应该到达的高度”,因此,法律或规则对我 们达到应达的高度是有必有的,故选C。39.C作者观点题。根据最后一句的some of the restraints that we may feel annoyed about are actually the steady force that helps us go up and ach jcvc 口J40.A推理判初题。根据全文,尤其是最后一段可知,111本文是说明“不以规矩,不成方圆”的道理,因此写作对象应是“大众读者”。故选A最佳。D本文描述了中学时期被排挤的学生日后成 功可能性更大的现象,并解释了该现象的原因。41.B词义猜测题。根据上句中的Some give in to the pressure to fit in和下文可推出,学至是处在 42气 细节盒解题。根据第二段第二句中的the things that make a student different make them a target可知。43.C细节理解题。根据第三段列举的品质对比可 知 OI I ||||44 B细节理解题。根据第四段第一句中的they are more likely to hide aspects of their identity in order to fit into the group可知。45.D推理判断题。根据全文可推知。助读强化outsider n.局夕卜人 authenticity n.可靠性;真实性 give into尙屈服 food chain食物链 be more likely to更有可能 pressure sb.into doing sth.迫使某人做某事第二节信息匹配音乐会与观众。46.E 题目关键信息 aenjoy some live music and learn something newJ,,与E选项禹“enjoying live music相匹配,故选E。47.D题目关键信息aattending late night activities,对应此时间的音乐 会只有D选项的 “Time 1000 pm till late”。故选D。48.B题目关键词the piano,对应B栏目的钢琴音乐会。从doesn care much about how much the ticket might cost”和B音乐会昂贵的价格也可以得到印证。49.F题目关键信息“costs no more than 100 YuarT,对应F选项音乐会的价)“Price 90680 YuarT较适合。50.C题目关键词和关键待息,一个是“orchestras,,,另一个是areturn to her dormitory before 1100 pm乃。这两个信息点都能和C栏目的音乐会匹配。in写作第一节基础写作Dengue Fever,an infectious disease caused by viruses,is spread by mosquitoes The sources of infection are mainly patients with this disease and hidden infected persons,and some animals like bats,monkeys,birds and dogs are also possible sources of infectionSuffers of Dengue Fever usually have a fever,headache,stomachache,muscle and bone pain and so on,so if such symptoms appear,wed better see a doctor in timeTo protect ourselves and stay away from Dengue Fever,we are supposed not only to clear away the water on the floor at home to prevent mosquitoes from producing young,but also to spray mosquitocide to kill adult mosquitoes Besides,it is of great importance for us to strengthen our resistance,and therefore,we should have a balanced diet,combine work with rest and do sports regularly to promote better health第二节读写任务A husband,busy with work and trifles,missed the deep love from his wife and felt regretful when hearing his very sick old wife said that she was glad that she hadnt missed having himReading the article,I feel it wrong that the husband should have kept ignoring the love from his wife During the 50-year-long marriage,he had many chances to express his love to his wife,but he never did.As can be seen,nowadays,it is common that many people,like the husband in the story,are always busy with their work or other things,missing many important things in their life.For example,they sacrifice all their time and health to meet the social expectations,unwilling to spend time on health care,missing the opportunity to be with their children in their growth and neglecting the loved ones who care for themThere is no denying that we should grasp every opportunity not to miss the important things in life and here I would like to give some suggestions Firstly,we should think over and know clearly what is the most important in our life Besides,its suggested that we express our gratitude to our loved ones in words and show our care with actions