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时间:2021-10-27 00:21:37 来源:学生联盟网

2021年滨州市博兴中考模拟试题一初中英语英语试题第一卷选择题 共65分一、听力选择共25小题,计25分一录音中有五个句子,每个句了听两遍,然后在每题A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词或与句子内容一致的图片。B.fairC.firm1.A .fireB.niceC .n ervousCB二录音中有五个句了,每个句了听两遍,然后在每题 个句子的正确答语。CA、B、C三个选项中,选出能答复每6.A .The sitting rooms are over there .B.What size do you n eedC .How about this one7 .A .Very well,thanks .B .Yes,I did .C .The weather is beautiful .8 .A .Sorry,I m terribly busy at the momentB.Yes,that sa good idea.C.No,I don t mi nd it9.A .That s all rightB.Okay.C.Sure.There s a bank on the second floorC .You re welcome从每题A、B、C三个选项中,10.A .Yes,I will .B .Can I help you三录音中有五组对话和五个咨询题,听对话和咨询题两遍后,选出能答复录音中每个咨询题的正确答案。11 .A12 .A13 .ABC14 .ABC15 .A10 .White .Jack .B .Blue .B .Jim .He has broken the windows .He has cleaned the windows .He has ope ned the win dows .The food in the KFC restaura nt is n ot expe nsive .The services in the KFC restaura nt are very good .The chicke n in the KFC restaura nt is n ot cheap but very nice .Black .John .四录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,依照对话内容,从每题B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项。16 .The con versatio n probably takes place17 .18 .A .in the hospitalB .at schoolin a shopJillA .cough ing badlyThe doctor told Jill toB .caught the flucaught a coldA .stay at home and get ple nty of sleepB .go outdoorsC .do more rcise19 .Jill can enjoy his holidayA .after he gets ple nty of sleepB .when he s feeling all rightC.when he doesn t feel tired20.Jill must take the medicine .A .Two times a dayB .Once two hoursC.Two times every hour五录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,从每题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能答复每个咨询题的正确答案。21.Where did Bob and Kate catch the young boyC.At the bus stop .A .In the police station .B .In the park .22 .Why did Bob and Kate catch the boyA .Because they thought he was a thief .B .Because he was riding around in the park .C .Because there was no n ame on the seat23 .What did the boy write on the seat of the bikeA .The middle letter .B .His n ame .C .Peter s name24 .Who lost a bikeA .Bob .B .Kate .C .Peter .25 .How did Peter know that the bike was not hisA .There was the boy s name on the seatB .Peter s name was on the seatC .The middle letter of the name was not clear .二、单项选择共15小题,计I 5分从每题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最正确答案。26 .What volu nteer work would you like to doI d like to sick kids in the hospital .A .make upB .look upC.cheer upD .catch up27 .Thank you ever so much for the present you sent me .A .Please don t say soB .I don t think it .s so goodD .No,thanks .C .I m glad you like i.t28 .They did n t prepare the speech con test like that,bu very well .A .kept outB .gave outC .left outD .worked out29.Battery-operated slippers were used seeing in the dark.A .ofB .byC .atD .for30 .Your calculator is quite nice .Where did you buy I want to buy,tooA .one; itB .it; o neC.one;oneD .it; it31 .I love the song Jingle Bells because it oftenmeChristmas Day .A .thinks,ofB .provides,withC .remin ds,ofD .starts,with32 .Don t eat too much junk food and do more rcise,you are sure to keepfit.A .by accide ntB .by mistakeC .in factD .in this way33 .Whenyouthe video tapeLast month .A .have; boughtB.had;boughtC .did; buyD .will; buy34 .Do you know I m going to see himSorry,I dont knowA .where does Mr.Smith liveB .where did Mr.Smith liveC .where Mr.Smith livesD .where Mr.Smith lived35 .Do you want to sell these products Youd better put anin the n ewspaper .A .advertiseme ntB .e-mailC .articleD .advice36 .The panda is a kind ofan imalfound only in China .A .where sB .this isC .that sD .whos37.many children like KFC,I think they d better trtowbftEeatitA .AlthoughB.BecauseC.WhenD.If38.I don t mind if she.But if she ,please call me.A .comes,comesB.will come,will comeC .will come,comesD .comes,will come39 .Not only his parents but also he ever to America .A .have; beenB .has; beenC .have; goneD .has; gone40 .The little boy has known of the words in this book .A .two thirdsB .two thirdD .sec ond threesC .sec ond three完形填空共10小题,计10分阅读短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出能够填入每个空白处的最正确答案。In the world today,all of the people need recreation 了肖遣.We 41 work all the time if we are going to keep healthy and enjoy life .Every one has his own way of 42 .Perhaps one of the most popular s 43 to take part in sports.There are team sports,such as basketball and football.There are 44 in dividual 个人的sports,such as swimming and running .Skating and mountain climbing are the most popular s of recreati on for people who 45 to be outdoor.Not every one who enjoys 46 likes to take part in them .Many people like 47 them onTV or listening to them on the radio .So many people like some s of 48 recreation,such as watch ing TV,singing and dancingIt does n t matt49 we like in door recreati on or take part in outdoor sports .It is阅读以下短文,并做每篇短文后面的题目,从各题A、B、C、D中选出能答复所提咨询题或importa nt for every one to 50 from time to time,and enjoy some s of recreati on41 .A .canB .cannotC .mustD .wouldn t42 .A .retiri ngB .livi ngC .sightsee ingD .relax ing43 .A .isB .areC .wasD .were44 .A .tooB .alsoC .eve nD .ever45 .A .hateB .dislikeC .likeD .follow46 .A .cultureB .practiceC .sportsD .programs47 .A .look ing atB .see ingC .watch ingD .check ing48 .A .on li neB .worldwideC .outdoorD .in door49 .A .thatB .whetherC .whe nD .although50 .A .relaxB .workC .studyD .dream四、阅读明白得共15小题,计15分完成所给句子的最正确答案。Some British and American people like to invite friends for a meal at home .You should not be upset if your English friends dont invite you home .It doesn t mean they dont like youDinner parties usually start between 7 and 8 p .m .and end at about 11 p .m .Ask your hosts what time you should arrive .It s polite to bring flowerachocolates or a bottle of wine as a gift .Usually the evening starts with drinks and snacks .If you want to be extra polite,say how much you like the room,or the pictures on the wail .But remember it s not polite to ask how much things cost.In many families,the husba nd sits at one end of the table and the wife sits at the otherend.They eat with their guests .You ll probably start the meal with soup or something small,then you have meat or fish ll with vegetables,and then dessert,followed by coffee .It polite to finish everything on your plate and to take more if you want it .Did you enjoy the evening Call your hosts the n ext day,or write them a short tha nkyou letter.British and American people like to say thank you,thank,thank you all the time51.If your English friend doesn t invite you to dinner at home,it meshns he or .A .doesn t like youB.likes youC.can t afford to do soD.is too busy52 .It s impoliteA .to ask about the price of a certa in thingB .to say thank you to hostsC .take nothing with you whe n you are in vited to dinnerD .to eat up everyth ing on your plate53 .The meal ends with usually .A .soupB .coffeeC .meat or fishD .dessert54 .When you are invited to a dinner party,you d betterA .ask what time you should arriveB .take your wife with youC .drink as much as possibleD .eat many sn acks as you can55 .Which of the followi ng is trueA .The hosts like the people who sit closer to them .B .The hosts like the people who ask them time,price,age,etc .C .The husband and the wife usually sit together .D.You can call your host the next day or write a letter of thanks after thatBRivers are one of our most important natural resources 自然资源 .Many of the world s great cities are located on rivers,and almost every country has at least one river flowing through it that plays an important part in the lives of its people .Since the beginning of history,people have used rivers for transportation .The Iongest one in the United States is the Mississippi .The lifeline of Egypt is the Nile .To the people of India,the Gan ges is great,but it is also importa nt for tran sportati on; ships can travel along it for a thousa nd miles .Other great rivers are the Congo in Africa and the Mekong in southeast Asia .The greatest of all for navigation 航海,however,is the Amazon in Brazil .It is so wide and so deep that large ships can go about two thousand miles upon it .Besides tran sportati on,rivers give food,water to drink,water for crops,and cha nces for fun and recreati on for the people who live along their banks .In order to in crease the supply of water for crops,engineers sometimes build a dam 大坝across a river and let a lake behind the dam .Then people can use the water not only to irrigate 灌溉their fields but also to make electricity for their homes and industries .However,large cities and industries that are located upon rivers often make problems .As the cities grow in size and in dustries in crease in nu mber,the water in the rivers becomes polluted with chemicals and other materials .People are lear ning the importa nee,however,of doing more to keep their rivers clea n if they want to enjoy the ben efits 禾U益of this n atural resource .56 .The greatest river for navigation is .A .the AmazonB .the NileC .the Mek ongD .the Mississippi57 .Which is WRONGA .The Nile is in India .B .Almost every country has at least one important river .C .Many cities are located on rivers .D .Rivers play an important part in the lives of people .58 .From a dam,people can use the water forA .keep ing the river clea nB .only mak ing electricityC .wash ing clothesD .irrigating and making electricity59.The water in the river is polluted because of .A .people s drinking water too muchB.people s swimming in the river too muchC.chemicals and other materialsD.people building a dam across a river60.The best title of the passage is.A .Rivers in CitiesB.The Importanee of RiversC.TransportationD.Natural ResourcesCIt s very com mon for students mSrkm etirfaes it is because of situations outside theschool,such as problems at home.Sometimes it is simply because the tests get harder as you get older.If you can think about what was happe ning whe n your marks started to fall,you may be able to solve this problem .Stop comparing yourself with other people .It does not matter if other students get higher test marks than you .What is important is that you do your best .Try talking to a friendly teacher .He or she will be able to help you with the subjects you find difficult .Before each test,you should go through your notes from class .You should remember the most important things you have written in a short .Pictures can also be helpful .Write the subjects in the center of a page,and then surround 围绕it with main related 有关的points .Look through your shorter notes and pictures aga in just before the test .You will be surprised whe n you find you remember so much .It may take hard work and your marks may not improve straight away .But let your con fide nce rise by every mark .Soon they should beg in to climb aga in .61 .What does the writer thi nk of stude nts marks to fallA .It s very hard to believe it s a mon thingB .It s not possible for the hard working students.marks to fallC .It s sometimes because of the problems outside thehool and the more difficult tests .D .When the stude nts get older,it s very com mon for their marks to fall62 .If your marks fell in the tests,you should .A .compare with the others and find out how they can get high marksB.find out how difficult the subjects areC.think about when your marks started to fallD.do your best to learn the subjects with the help of friendly teachers63.If you want to stop your marks from falling,you should before the tests.A .remember the most important points you have written in a short B.draw pictures in the center of a page in and after classC.write down all the important points you have learnedD.be surprised at how much you will remember64 .After you do your best and work hard,.A .you find your marks may be straight improvedB .you ll find your con fide nee rising by every markC .you ll begin to climb trees again when you are freeD .you ll soon catch up with the others by getting high marks65 .This passage is perhaps the most helpful forA .a good stude nt to get the first place in his testsB .all the stude nts in trouble to pick up their con fide nee and good marksC .only a few stude nts who do poorly at school to catch up with the othersD .few students to find better ways to do well in the tests第二卷非选择题55分五、听力填表共5小题,计5分录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,依照所听内容填写下面的表格每空不多于三个单词。Tom s storyt happe ned in the year1900Tom walked in the city1He wan ted to buyHis youn ger brother isTom wan ted to beHe worked to5六、阅读表达共5小题,计5分阅读下面短文,依照短文内容完成以下各题。Liu Mingxiao,13,is pretty and smart .She comes top in her class.But many students try to stay away from her because Lius mum has AIDS艾滋病.Liu s father has died of AIDSLuckily,Liu didn t get itAIDS means fear for most people .Nobody wants to play games with me .They call me bad names behind my back.Even a teacher who used to like me turns her back on me now,said Liu .Liu s mother didn t know what happened to her daughter until one daarLiuhome with her nose bleeding 流血的.A She fought with a boy who said something bad about her father.Liu s mother said,My heart really hurts .My daughter did nothing wrongFor many of these children,the biggest problem they now face is how other people look at them.Many of them have to drop out of school 辍学becausethey can no Ion ger sta nd others indifferenee 冷漠.B People are afraid of AIDS because they know little about it .said Wang Chongrun,head of a group to help children living with AIDS .Wang went to the villages and gave lessons about AIDS to the people there Many of these children are just as healthy as others,Wang said.Even if they have AIDS,it s still safe to eat and play with theThey n eed our love and understanding .A friendly smile means a lot to them1.Why do many stu