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时间:2021-10-27 00:24:06 来源:学生联盟网

Computers知识清单核心单词1.calculatew.计算2.simplify vt.简化3.logical culi.合逻辑的;合情理的1114.artificial adj.5.solvew.解决;解答||;6.personal acli.私人的;个人的;杀 自 的7.net work n.用途冲请9.finance n.金融;财经10.explore比探测;探究11.anyhow皿无论如何;即使如此12.n.目标;目的;球门;(进球)得分13signal发生16.electronicadj.电子的17.appearance.外观外貌出现18.character仏性格;特点重点短语1.from...on从时起2.as a result结果3.so...that...如此.以至于4.incommon有共同之处5.in a way在某种程度上6.with the help of在的帮助 卜7.dealwith处理;安排;对付监视9.of high quality咼质量的感兴趣10.be interested对.11.make good use of允分利川12.cometrue实现13 .give.away捐贝曾知识清单重点短语14.consistof15.make up编造16.after all毕竟由组成知识清单经典句型1.As time went byJ was made smaller.随着时间的推移,我被弄得越来越小。2.And my memory becameso large that even I couldn tbelieve it我的存储容量变得如此巨大,甚至连我自己都不能相信;3.Anyhow ,my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality无论如何,我的目标是为人类提供高质量的生活。实战演练I 单词拼写1 .Thank you for taking the trouble to help me with my application(申 请)lette匸2.It s necessary to explore (探索)new ways of making use of such energy as sunlight,wind and water3.There have been several incidents of this type (类型)in recent weeks 4.1t is important to be precise when we calculate (计算)these figures,as even a small mistake can cost us millions of dollars.5.Students need the ability to construct a logical (合乎逻辑的)argument.6.Don t respond to any e-mails asking for p personal ination7.We re trying to s solve the difficult problem by ourselves8.Encouraged by the advances of science and t technology many farmers have set up wind farms on their land9.Mental problems can a “rise from a physical cause10.lt will take me some time to figure out the t renlity of the whole event.nII用方彳匡中所给矢豆语的适当形式填空so...that.,deal with,as a result,from now on,in reality,go by,afte all,with the help of,watch over,achieve one s goalr1 .They hope to achieve their goals by peaceful means.2.Three days had gone by before I realized I was wrong,but it too late.3.Sosudden was the attack that the enemy hadwasnotime to escape4.As a result ,two-thirds of the buildings in the area need repairing after the flood5.The professor wrote a book dealing with the Middle East.6.Please watch over my dog while I m on holiday,OK7.In reality violent crime is rare in the area.实战演练mnr单项选择1.B speaking,a person must care much about his,because it is not only a personal thing,but also a social oneA.Personal; personalityB.Personally; personalityC.Personally; personalD.Personality; personal解析考查词义辨析。第一空填Personally,因为Personally speaking 就我个人而言,第二空填personality,个性。句意就我个人而言,一个 人必须关注他的个性,因为这不是个人的事情,而是社会的事情。

  故选B。2.The floor is diTty.Yes.ItD for two days.A.hasif t sweptB.didnt sweepC.hasif t cleanedD.hasif t been cleaned解析考查情景交际和时态。句意地板很脏。是的。已 经两天没有打扫了。根据句意和for two days可知,应该使用现在完 成时,排除B;floor和clean是动宾关系,应该使用被动语态,排除A、C; 故选D。3.Mary worked very hard in the last semesterE ,she did verywell in her studies.A.At the beginning B.As a resultC.HoweverD.Fortunately解析考查固定用法。句意Mary上学期学习非常努力。结果,她在 她的学习方面做得非常好。At the beginning起初,As a result结 果,However然而,Foitunatel y幸运地,所以选B。4.I bought a new PC yesterday.Oh.AA.how do you like itB.thank you so muchC.why do bad things happen to good peopleD.I really have no idea解析考查情景对话。句意昨天我买了一台新的电脑。

  哦,你觉得它怎么样how do you like it你觉得它怎么样thank you so much非常感谢。why do bad things happen to good people为什 么好人身上总是发生坏的事情I really have no idea我真的不知道。

  所以选A。5.1 am fond of music while my sister likes reading novels It seems that we have nothing B .A.in likeB.in commonC.in sameD.in similar解析考查固定用法。句意我喜欢音乐,然而我的妹妹喜欢读小说,看起来我们没有共同之处。in common是固定用法,意思是共同的,所以选B。实战演练IVIV 完成句子1这个箱子太重了,我拎不起来。It is so heavy a box that I can,t lift it.2 等医生到来的时候艾米己经好多了。Amy was betterby the timethe doctor arrived3 从某种程度上说,电脑在我们的生活和工作中发挥着越来越重要的作用。In a waythe computer plays a more and moreimportant role in our life and work4.简编故事逗她的小弟弟。Jane made upstories to amuse her little brothe匚5我妈妈在示意我将桌子移开。My motheris signaling t meto remove the table.