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时间:2021-10-11 14:06:54 来源:学生联盟网

Listening ReviewScript 01W You know,many American parents are now wondering why they cant keep their teenage children from drinking.M Im aware of that.To my mind,its the permissive attitude of the parents that is to blame.Q What can you learn from the mans response01.A.Parents should deal with teenage drinking seriously.B.Parents shouldnt allow their children too much freedom.C.Children should be aware of the consequences of too much drinking.D.Children should not drink too much.Script 02M Dont you think its good to give our children a monthly allowanceW I think so.It can teach them the value of money.With a monthly allowance they can learn to budget their expenses wisely.Q What are they talking about02.A.The value of money.B.How to budget our expenses wisely.C.Monthly allowances for children.D.A good way to spend money.Script 03M Mom,Ive got a part-time job at a supermarket.Three hours a day weekdays and all day Saturday.W Congratulations,Tom.But are sure you can handle it What about your homework and your piano lessonsQ How does the mother feel about Toms part-time job at the supermarket03.A.Happy.B.Worried.C.Unhappy.D.Proud.Script 04M Hey,Mary.You look so upset.What happenedW My father had an accident the other day.He is now in hospital and will have an operation tomorrow.You see,his heart is rather weak.I really dont know whether he can survive it.Q Whats the woman worried about04.A.Her fathers accident.B.Her fathers injuries after the accident.C.Her fathers poor health.D.Her fathers operation.Script 05W Mothers Day is coming soon.Could you tell me what sons and daughters do in your country on that dayM Well,they send their mothers flowers and cards to celebrate the occasion.Besides,it is a common practice for them to wear pink carnations on that day.Q Which of the following is true of the customs of Mothers Day in the mans country05.A.Mothers decorate their houses with flowers to celebrate the occasion.B.Mothers wear pink carnations on that day.C.Children buy their mothers carnations of different colors.D.Children send their mothers flowers and cards.Script 06M May I help youW Im here to apply for a library card.M Would you please fill out this application cardW Sure.Could you tell me what time the library is openM Monday,Wednesday and Friday,it closes at 5 p.m.Tuesday and Thursday,its open till 9.It stays open till 6 on Saturday.But on Sunday its closed all day.Q On which evenings is the library open06.A.Monday,Wednesday and Friday.B.Tuesday and Saturday.C.Saturday and Sunday.D.Tuesday and Thursday.Script 07M The weather is so changeable these days.The forecasts seem never to be accurate.W You are right.It must be the wind that makes it so cold.Im freezing.M Me,too.W Its no fun standing out here,though the sun is shinning.Lets go inside.Q How is the weather when the conversation takes place07.A.Cold and windy.B.Sunny but cold and windy.C.Cloudy and freezing.D.Windy and freezing.Script 08M Hi,Linda.How are you doing these daysW Im fine,Bill.Arent you glad the semester is overM Yes.Im looking forward to going to Paris for a holiday.Now Im busy learning some French.W Good idea.Its awful to visit a foreign country without being able to speak its language,dont you think It would be no fun at all if one had to live like a deaf-mute.Q What are they mainly discussing08.A.Going to Paris.B.Learning to speak the language of the country youll visit.C.How to speak French.D.Where to go for a holiday.Script 09W Thank you very much for inviting me here,Michael.M Its a pleasure.W The flowers are so lovely.And I like the music too.M Shall we have some beef soup firstW Thatll be fine.Q Where does the conversation take place09.A.In a restaurant.B.In a music hall.C.In a market.D.In a flower shop.Script 10M Have you ever heard Professor Halls lectureW No,I havent.but I was told he has a very good reputation among the students.M Yes,and a well deserved one too.The same students who fall asleep in discussion groups fight for front row seats in his lecture.W Then his lecture must be fascinating.M They certainly give you lots to think about.Q Which of the following best describes Professor Halls lectures10.A.Boring.B.Interesting.C.Just so-so.D.Serious.Script 11W Cathy has the habit of keeping us waiting for over 30 minutes.Maybe either you or I should give her a ring before each meeting.M Thats really a nuisance,but Ill do it if you want.Q What will the man probably do11.A.Remind Cathy about the time of the next meeting.B.Remind Cathy not to be late for every meeting.C.Tell Cathy about the agenda of the next meeting.D.Tell Cathy about a ring.Script 12M Could you keep the noise down,Mary Im trying to listen to the recording.W Sorry,its not me.There is a party downstairs.Q What does the woman imply12.A.She will turn off her recorder.B.She is not responsible for the noise.C.She will do something about the noise.D.She wants the man to use earphones.Script 13W Mr.Brown,I tried to memorize the script but I keep forgetting the lines.M Look,Jane,youll be fine if you stop putting so much pressure on yourself.Q What does the man mean13.A.Jane is not so forgetful.B.Jane used to have a good memory.C.Jane shouldnt be so nervous.D.Jane should not try to memorize the whole script..Script 14M Youve spent too much time doing coursework,Sally.Dont you think you should go out and get some fresh airW Thanks for the advice.But this is how I relieve my stress.Id rather not get too far behind.Q What can you infer from the womans response14.A.She doesnt have time to go outside.B.Shell consider the mans advice.C.She knows how to relieve her stress.D.She will feel more stressful if she gets behind in her lessons.Script 15M Im having trouble making ends meet.It looks like I have to make another phone call to my parents.W I dont think it would be a problem if you cut down on the discs you buy.Q What does the woman mean15.A.The man shouldnt buy so many discs.B.The man should stop buying discs.C.The man shouldnt worry too much.D.The man should go shopping less.Script 16W I hope you enjoyed the movie last night.I wasnt sure I would.M I wasnt either,but once it started,I simply got glued to the screen.Q What can you learn from the conversation16.A.Both speakers were bored with the movie.B.The woman didnt like the movie but the man did.C.The man didnt like the movie but the woman did.D.The man didnt think he would like the movie at first but later did.Script 17M Congratulations I heard your debating team has reached the final.W Yes,were all excited about it.Now were working hard to prepare for it.Q What will the womans team probably do17.A.Practice their speeches.B.Have a big celebration.C.Prepare their arguments for possible topics.D.Take a good rest.Script 18W Bill is a great guy.He nearly got killed when he tried to rescue an aged woman from a fire yesterday.M Well,so far as I know that was not the first dangerous situation he was in.Q Which of the following adjectives best describes Bill18.A.Brave.B.Healthy.C.Helpful.D.Strong.Script 19M What kind of father am I My daughter is sick.She has had a fever for a couple of days.But I didnt even know about it.W Dont blame yourself too much.Youve been too much involved in the companys work to notice it,I guess.You really should take some time off.Q What do you know about the man from the conversation19.A.He is an irresponsible father.B.He is careless.C.He is very busy with work.D.He is indifferent to his family.Script 20M Is Mary still in a critical conditionW Im afraid so,but weve kept the news from her mother.Q What do we know about Marys mother20.A.She knows something about her own real condition.B.She knows nothing about her own real condition.C.She doesnt know anything about Marys real condition.D.She doesnt want to know about Marys real condition.Passage 1 Script of Passage 1In the United States ideas about education are changing.Education today is not just a high school diploma or a college degree.Many grown-ups are not interested in going to college.They are interested in other kinds of learning.For them,learning does not end with a diploma.Continuing education gives these grown-ups the opportunity to increase their knowledge about their own field or to learn about a new field.It also gives them a chance to improve their old skills or to learn new ones.Secretaries,mechanics,drivers and barbers can take classes to improve their own skills.Nurses can take classes to increase their knowledge of nursing.If they know more or learn more,then they can get a better job and earn more money.Continuing education classes give some grown-ups the chances to learn new skills.There is usually a large variety of classes to choose from Typing,nursing,cooking,driving or photography.But only some of the classes are available.Q1 What is this passage mainly about1.A.The ideas about education in the United States.B.Going to college.C.Learning new skills in schools.D.Continuing education in the United States.Q2 What are the changing ideas about education mentioned in the passage2.A.The Americans are not interested in a diploma.B.The adults in America show little interest in going to college.C.Continuing education gives many American adults a chance to know and learn more.D.Continuing education is better than college education in America.Q3 What can we learn from the passage3.A.Continuing education is popular among many American adults.B.Continuing education offers a large variety of classes for the students to choose from.C.Many American adults are no longer interested in a college degree.D.Adults take continuing education classes for a better job and more money.Passage 2 Script of Passage 2Recently the term “health” has come to have a wider meaning than it used to.It no longer means just the absence of illness.Today,health means the well-being of your body,your mind and your relationship with other people.This new concept of health is closely related to another term --- quality of life.Quality of life is the degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life.Why has the emphasis of health shifted from the absence of disease to a broader focus on the quality of a persons life One reason for this has to do with the length and conditions of life that people can now expect.Medical advances have made it possible for people today to live longer,healthier lives.Imagine for a moment that you were born in the year 1900.You could have expected on average to live until about the age of 47.In contrast,if you were born in the year 1999,you could expect to live to the age of 75.Q1 What is this passage mainly about1.A.Different interpretations of the term “health”.B.Improving the quality of life.C.The importance of health to quality living.D.Peoples expectations of a long and healthy life.Q2 What does health mean to people of today according to the passage2.A.Absence of illness.B.A long life.C.Good conditions of living.D.Complete satisfaction with life.Q3 What can you infer from the passage3.A.Nowadays the emphasis of health has a broader focus because of improvements in the quality of food.B.The overall quality of peoples lives improved greatly in the 20th century.C.Those who never fall ill are the truly healthy people.D.Those who were born before 1900 could not have lived long.Passage 3 Script of Passage 3Background music may seem harmless,but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it.Recorded background music first found its way into factories,shops and restaurants in the USA.Very soon it spread to other parts of the world.Now it is becoming difficult to go shopping or eat a meal without listening to music.To begin with,background music was intended simply to create a soothing atmosphere.Recently,however,its becoming a big business.An American marketing expert has shown that music can boost sales or increase factory production by as much as a third.But it has to be the light music.Lively music has no effect at all on sales.Slow music can increase receipts by 34.This is probably because shoppers slow down and have more opportunity to spot items they would like to buy.Yet,slow music isnt always the answer.The expert found that in restaurants slow music meant customers took longer to eat their meals,which reduced overall sales.So restaurant owners might be well advised to play faster music to keep the customers moving --- unless,of course,the resulting indigestion leads to complaints.Q1 Where was recorded background music first used1.A.In factories,shops and offices in Europe.B.In factories,shops and restaurants in the USA.C.In factories,schools and shops in England.D.In factories,shops and snack bars in Asia.Q2 What was the original purpose of background music2.A.To boost sales.B.To increase factory production.C.To help diners eat quickly.D.To produce a pleasant atmosphere.Q3 What kind of music can have a powerful effect on customers in shops3.A.Rock music.B.Lively music.C.Light music.D.Traditional music.Q4 Why doesnt the same kind of music work in restaurants according to the passage4.A.It will slow down the flow of customers.B.It will result in indigestion.C.It doesnt sound pleasing to the ears.D.It will spoil diners appetite.Passage 4 Script of Passage 4Ozone is a of oxygen.It is found in the air we breathe and in the upper atmosphere.Near Earth,ozone in the air is a danger to life.It is a pollutant.But between ten and fifty kilometers up in the atmosphere,ozone protects life on Earth.Ozone s in the atmosphere through the action of radiation from the sun.Ozone blocks harmful radiation from reaching Earth.Scientists say a decrease in ozone and an increase in the harmful