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时间:2019-10-18 09:24:11 来源:学生联盟网

“快乐”是美好的代名词。没有快乐,我们何处寻找美好的生活? 拥有快乐,生活会变得更美好。当我们经常背起书包,出门去学校时,爸妈如果心情压抑,你会说你生活很美好吗?并不会。因为爸妈都不快乐,哪来美好之说。但是,若你说声谢谢爸妈或赞美爸妈,你认为,他们会开心吗?会笑吗?当然会!因为你给予了他们快乐,让他们笑起来,让他们快乐起来,你的生活才会因你的快乐而美好起来。 拥有快乐,生活不会不美好。当我们走在街上,看见两个玩的最好的朋友或住在一起十多年的邻居为了一件芝麻点大的小事而吵得不可开交的样子,你认为他们会快乐吗?你认为他们的生活美好吗?当然不会!知道吗,开始这场吵架的根源,就是他们不快乐,他们的生活自然不会美好。你需要做的,只是把快乐分享给他们,把快乐让他们传承。自然而然,他们会再见吵架的喧闹吗?不会。他们会看见对方嘴角比月牙儿还弯的弧度。那是因为,快乐不会让生活不美好。 拥有快乐,生活将天天美好。当我们踏入学校神圣的校门,你希望站在门口的保卫叔叔是一副愁眉苦脸的样子,一副凶巴巴要吃人的样子,还是一脸笑容,春光满面的样子呢?当然是要笑开花了。你说,这是不是因为喜好笑所以才希望保卫叔叔笑?当然不是。因为大家希望生活更美好,所以想得到笑,所以想需要快乐才行,对吧?快乐是不是会让你觉得生活是天天都美好的样子呢?因为幸福美好的生活从快乐开始,没有快乐,想要谋取幸福美好的生活简直是无稽之谈。 拥有快乐,生活会洋溢美好的滋味。当我们不小心做了一件错事或者刻意做一件坏事时,你是怀着一种怎样的心理呢?侥幸?害怕?有些高兴,激动?什么心情都可能会有。但我告诉你,你是不可能快乐的。即使你自认为你快乐,但那只是心理的假象,心蒙骗了你。不相信?那就在坏事被发现时或正在做坏事时摸摸自己的心,感受一下心的跳动。会是快乐应有的频率吗?怎么可能!你不会认为生活因小利而十分美好吧,因为你并不快乐。但是,当对方原谅你所做的一切时,你会不会舒口气?会不会认为很开心?知道吗?这是为什么?因为你快乐了。这时你再摸摸心,是不是渐渐回到开心、快乐的频率呢?当然是。你这时会不会觉得,空  气好像比一般清新呢!因为,它里面洋溢着美好、幸福的味道。 快乐乃美好生活之基础。






只有拥有快乐,生活才会更美好!只有拥有快乐,世界才会更加精彩!朋友们,大家一起来,向“快乐的彼岸”进军,让快乐洒向宇宙每一个角落,让快乐充满世间!                              走过的路









生活的意义在于什么,在于一天又一天,只是这样走完24小时。   快乐的生活,是为了什么,只是为了在这24小时里面增添点乐趣。




也许有人会回答,我们都拥有快乐,可是,为什么我还是这么的平凡?   我可以回答你,这样的人是可悲的,因为他们已经无能到连自己的喜怒哀乐都分辨不清,然后再谈现状,就可以很简单的发现,这是在牵强,两种原因的牵强:一种是因为快乐,却很无知。还有一种,是明白,却牵强,总体来说,这种复杂多变的心理有些解释不清楚。平凡,就是快乐,有人会很淡定的说。   有人则说这是自欺欺人,其实不然,这是现实,只有当事人明白,那里不存在当局者迷,旁观者清的概念。在平凡中,学会得到快乐,甚至深陷和拥有它。















初 一(4)班   贺永莲

















“叶,你好厉害,又是全校第一!”一个女生欣喜的叫声把她从回忆中惊醒。两年了,她就这么优秀的过着。她已麻木优秀,突然觉得前不久想到的一件事现在一定要落实。她拿着用奖学金买着的手机,毫不犹豫的按下一串数字:   “喂,我受够了,我要换会快乐。”
















她变得比丹丹还出色,但人渐渐变得冷漠,她的朋友一个个离去,除了个别为了某些事愿意和她做朋友。( 书村网 .mcqyy. )
















她的面前出现也一排袋子,上面写着各种感情,有快乐、亲情、宽容、友谊快乐的袋子最大。 她再三犹豫,决定暂时用快乐来换:我给你我的快乐,但万一我反悔了你得给我个方式换回快乐。大叔同意了。




















“叶,你好厉害,又是全校第一!”一个女生欣喜的叫声把她从回忆中惊醒。两年了,她就这么优秀的过着。她已麻木优秀,突然觉得前不久想到的一件事现在一定要落实。她拿着用奖学金买着的手机,毫不犹豫的按下一串数字:   “喂,我受够了,我要换会快乐。”









让生活更快乐:10种小改变 60秒内点亮心情

1. Sit up straight.


Many people who spend a lot of time at the puter likely don‘t sit properly. There‘s a tendency to slouch, stoop and sit cross-legged. Is there a correct way to sit? You bet. Choose a fy chair, preferably one with arm rests. Sit with your butt to the back of the seat, shoulders back and feet flat on the floor about hip distance apart. Maintaining good posture can help you avoid injury and promote proper bone . When walking tall with good posture you both look and feel more confident, fit and pulled together. 很多电脑狂们在电脑前的坐姿都不正确,这样下去可能会导致没精打采、驼背以及盘腿坐。那么到底有没有正确的坐姿呢?当然有。选一个舒服的椅子,带把手的那种。把臀部坐到椅子的最里面,肩膀向后靠,两脚分开平放在地面上,距离为你髋关节的距离。保持好的坐姿能使你避免受伤,且促进骨骼直挺。而用正确的姿势走路,你会看起来也会感觉充满自信。赶紧试试吧。

2. Do something you love.


Reduce stress by doing something you love. Read an , flip through a magazine, call a friend, book a massage. It doesn‘t matter what it is just make sure it‘s something you enjoy and not something you feel you have to do.


3. Eat a piece of fruit.


There‘s something about biting into an apple, peeling a banana or the scent of an orange that just makes you feel good. Fruit is refreshing, good for you and something we typically don‘t get enough of. Next time you go shopping load up on ―grab and go‖ fruits. Although fresh is better, dried can be a great alternative when you‘re looking for something a bit different.


4. Laugh.


Find a video of your favorite  or  or maybe it‘s a picture of a friend or your kids that always makes you laugh. Laughing feels good, it gets you smiling and it allows you to not take things so seriously, if only for that moment.


5. Drink.


Water is vital to our well-being and is another thing we typically don‘t get enough of. Drinking a tall glass of water helps you feel fuller longer, curbs your desire to eat when you‘re not particularly hungry just bored and it‘s great for your skin. Add a twist of lemon or lime to add a bit of natural flavor.


6. Get outside.


There is something about nature and the expanse of space that can rejuvenate the mind and body. Look around you and take it all in. The birds, the people, the blueness of the sky, the clouds floating along, the smell of the fresh air, the warmth of the sun on your cheeks. Take a minute to just stand outside where ever you are and just soak it all in. 这可以增加你和自然的接触机会,扩大伸展空间,从而为身心注入新的活力。看看你周围,认真感受一下。小鸟、人群、蓝天、漂浮的白云、新鲜空气,还有落在你脸颊上的阳光。无论在哪,花一分钟站在外面,好好感受一下。

7. Breathe.


Deeply. Breathing can help you relax, focus and slow down. Breathing can help you put things in perspective release tension that builds up throughout the day. Take a minute and breathe deeply. Clear your mind and just breathe.


8. Give.


Do something for someone else. It doesn‘t have to be anything big, elaborate or a year in the planning it just has to be sincere. Ask your co-worker in the next cubical over if they would like a coffee, pay the toll for the person in the car behind you, hold the door for someone, give a hug, smile.


9. Beautify your surroundings.


While you‘re walking your dog, walking to your car, waiting for the bus or riding your bike take a moment and beautify where you are. Pick up a piece of garbage or 10 or 20, pull a weed or hammer in a nail. Every little bit helps but having the ―I didn‘t do it so I‘m not picking it up‖ mind set doesn‘t. Do your part and take pride in your neighborhood or work area.


10. Stretch.


Sitting for too long can cause joint and muscle pain, headaches and other aches and pains. A few times throughout the day stand up stretch out your arms, your back, your legs, and your neck. Be gentle and don‘t over do it. Stretching should feel great and renew your energy. If you‘d love to but can never remember set up a reminder in your calendar or set a timer for an hour. You‘ll be glad you did.


7个简单好习惯 开启新的一天美丽好心情

The alarm bell goes off. You slowly open your eyes. A new day lies before you. A day of unexplored potential and opportunities. How can you make it more likely to bee a positive and good day?


Today I‘d like to simply share 7 habits that I have used to make my mornings and whole days better.


1. Have a reminder on your bedside table.


How will you start your very first moments and minutes of the day? One good way to get off to a good start is to have a note, a reminder on your bedside table that will be one of the first things you see after you have woken up.


A couple of suggestions for what to write down on your note:


Your top 4 priorities in life. To keep your attention in the right place it is essential to remind yourself every day of what is truly most important. So what is most important for you this year? An important project at work? Your family? Improving your social life? Your blog, photography, soccer or debt? Think about it and reduce what is important in your life to the top 4 most important priorities.


2. Give one genuine pliment.


Giving one genuine pliment to your partner, a family member, friend or co-worker during your morning can not only lift his or her day but also make yours a little brighter and happier.


So tap into what you can appreciate about a person in your life. Then tell him or her that. 所以,请发掘生活中身边人值得赞赏的地方,然后告诉他们吧。

If you can, make it something that may be a bit unexpected and something that person hasn‘t heard a hundred times before. For example, a pliment about her great taste in music or his wonderful way with animals may be more appreciated and powerful than a pliment about looks and other more superficial stuff.


3. Positive information intake over breakfast.


Instead of watching the news or reading the papers and getting a negative and perhaps depressing start to your day do something that will inspire you.


Read one or a couple of new posts from positive, funny and uplifting blogs or websites. Or simply have a fun and warm conversation with the people around your kitchen table. 阅读有趣的、积极向上的博客或网页中的新消息。或者干脆和共进早餐的人开心和气地聊聊天。

4. Start your workday with your most important task of the day.


If you do then the rest of the day will feel lighter and easier. You will feel better about yourself and more confident as you move on to other tasks.


If you have trouble getting started with the most important task then just make a deal with yourself to work on it for 3 minutes. Then you can stop if you like. But you may not want to once you have gotten started. That seems to be the case for me most of the time.


Getting started is most often the hardest part. So make that part easier for yourself. 行动起来往往是最难做到的。何不让行动来得更容易些呢?

If you can, make it something that may be a bit unexpected and something that person hasn‘t heard a hundred times before. For example, a pliment about her great taste in music or his wonderful way with animals may be more appreciated and powerful than a pliment about looks and other more superficial stuff.


3. Positive information intake over breakfast.


Instead of watching the news or reading the papers and getting a negative and perhaps depressing start to your day do something that will inspire you.


Read one or a couple of new posts from positive, funny and uplifting blogs or websites. Or simply have a fun and warm conversation with the people around your kitchen table. 阅读有趣的、积极向上的博客或网页中的新消息。或者干脆和共进早餐的人开心和气地聊聊天。

4. Start your workday with your most important task of the day.


If you do then the rest of the day will feel lighter and easier. You will feel better about yourself and more confident as you move on to other tasks.


If you have trouble getting started with the most important task then just make a deal with yourself to work on it for 3 minutes. Then you can stop if you like. But you may not want to once you have gotten started. That seems to be the case for me most of the time.


Getting started is most often the hardest part. So make that part easier for yourself. 行动起来往往是最难做到的。何不让行动来得更容易些呢?

5. Go slow.


When I go a bit slower it bees easier to fully focus, to keep the stress down and I most often do a better job with something the first time around. I work with

more clarityand I do not get stuck in doing busy work very often.


It may feel like I‘m not getting enough done but at the end of the day I usually get more quality work done than if I tried to maintain a high speed through the day. Partly

because the lower stress levels keeps my mind fresh and energy up even through the last few afternoon hours of the workday.


6. Work out.


My favorite time to do some free-weight exercise is about an hour or two after breakfast. By doing this 2-3 times a week I boost my energy and hormone levels. This makes the rest of the day lighter and I feel more decisive. Inner doubts and tensions lessen and my mind bees more optimistic.

我最享受的时刻便是在早餐一两个小时后做减肥运动。一周坚持2-3次后,我的精力和荷尔蒙大为改善。这么做使得我在剩下的时间轻松而敏锐。内心的犹疑和紧张减少了,思绪变得更加乐观明朗。 I highly remend doing some kind of exercise in the morning. If you can‘t go to a gym or work out from home early in the day then maybe you can walk or bicycle to work or school.


7. Do the right thing in some small or big way.


This one boosts your self-esteem. It puts a spring in your step and it at least makes me feel happier. So do what you deep down think is the right thing.


A few examples that may resonate with you:


Perform a random act of kindness. Hold up the door or point out the way for someone who seems lost.


Help someone out practically or just by listening.


Encourage someone.


Get started with putting a dent in the most important challenge in your life.


Build upon just a small step, a small thing if you like. Start building an upward spiral ofpositivity and good feelings within. And then take further steps upward. Towards what you know you really want and you know are the right things for you in your life. 你



We all know that exercise is important – vital, in fact. Yet, one of the most mon excuses for not exercising enough is ―I can‘t find time for exercise.‖


And it‘s true. It is hard to find time for exercise. Just like it‘s hard to find time to, cook healthy meals, and volunteer to make your munity a better place.


The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Heart Association (AHA) provides the following minimum exercise guidelines for healthy adults (18-65): 美国运动医学学院(ACSM)和美国心脏协会(AHA)为成年人(18-65岁)的健康制定了以下最少的运动指南:

Moderate-intensity  physical activity for a minimum of 30 minutes, five days per week (e.g. a brisk walk) or;


-intensity aerobic physical activity for 20 minutes, three days per week (e.g. jogging) or;


Some bination of moderate-intensity and vigorous-intensity.


NOTE: Exercise can be performed in bouts of at least 10 minutes.


That‘s not bad. In fact, it‘s pretty achievable. So let‘s move on to the challenging (but fun) part: Finding time for exercise.


1. Turn off the TV


This is usually a good place to start. In 2011, the average American watched 34 hours of TV per week. If you do the math, you could still watch 30 hours of TV and get all your exercise in (including a shower afterwards, which is typically appreciated by your colleagues/family members).

关掉电视通常就是一个好的开始。2011年美国人平均每周看34小时电视。如果你计算一下就会发现,就算把运动后冲澡的时间算在内(通常是同事或是家人的要求),你也还可以看30小时的电视。 And if you‘ve already  your TV watching down to just one or two favorite shows per week, consider exercising while you watch.


2. Limit Your Time Online


If we‘re not watching TV, we‘re surfing the Internet, checking email, updating Facebook, tweeting, or pinning. According to Score, the average American spent 32 hours per month online in 2011 (sounds low to me!).


That‘s over 60 minutes per day, some of which could be devoted to moving your body rather than letting it waste away in front of a screen.


Being more efficient with your online dealings is a great way to cut down on the time spent online. It‘s not about the technology. It‘s about improper use of the technology. You will be amazed by the amount of time you will save if you check your email only once or twice per day.


3. Ask for Help


I don‘t want to assume that you are a couch potato or an Internet addict. Perhaps you simply have your hands full with work, laundry, kids, munity mitments, and all the other things that make up our plate of life.


If you are serious about finding time for exercise, ask for help. Maybe you just need somebody to watch the kids for an hour while you hit the gym. Ask your , your mom, your friend, the teenager next door – anybody who can help you find that time. Also, if you have the money, hire somebody to clean your house. That frees up significant time.


4. Find Pockets of Time for Exercise


If your eyes didn‘t pletely  over when you read the ACSM/AHA

remendations above, you may have noticed that you can exercise in ―bouts of at least 10 minutes.‖

如果你仔细阅读了上面ACSM/AHA的建议,你应该注意到―至少应持续10分钟‖这句话吧。 This means that you could go for a  10-minute walk after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Not only will you feel refreshed, but it also helps with digestion!


I often find myself with 10 minutes to spare, so I have a mental list of things that can be pleted in that amount of time. If you have your own 10-minute activity list, just add exercise to it.


5. Combine Exercise and Transportation


In many parts of the world, this is an obvious one. However, sometimes it‘s easy to forget that getting from Point A to Point B can be a wonderful opportunity to exercise. Here are some options:


Bike or walk to work/school


Bike to the grocery store


Walk over to a friend‘s house


Walk or bike to the coffee shop


As long as it‘s at least 10 minutes and getting your heart rate up, it‘s exercise! 只要能花10分钟让心跳加速起来,也算是运动哦!


Everyday health hazard 1: Lying


Whether you‘re plimenting your best friend‘s unflattering hairdo or ―‖ on the cost of your new designer shoes, we all tell the odd  from time to time. However, according to research, those little white lies could be more harmful than you think. 无论你是在恭维你最好朋友那不讨喜的发型,或临时冲动购物买下最新名牌鞋,在这时候我们通常会撒一些古怪的小谎。但是最新的研究显示,即便是那些无害纯洁的小谎言也会带来意想不到的危害。 Lying can generate feelings of stress which are damaging to your health, and a study by researchers at the University of Notre Dame found that when people reduced the

amount of lies they told they suffered from less headaches, sore throats and anxiety. 撒谎会产生压力,而压力会损害你的健康。一项来自圣母大学的研究发现,当人们减少说谎话的次数时,他们就会减少头疼、咽喉疼痛和焦虑的患病次数。

Everyday health hazard 2: Eating at your desk


If you‘re having a busy day in work, it can be tempting to skip your lunch break and eat at your desk. However, missing out on breaks is not only bad for your stress levels, eating while distracted may also mean you are more likely to overeat. Furthermore, spending your lunch hour at your desk can lengthen the time you are physically inactive and also expose you to harmful bacteria.


According to a study by the University of Arizona, your work station contains nearly 400 times more germs than the average toilet seat, making it a less than ideal place for dining.


Everyday health hazard 3: Housework


Need an excuse to put your feet up? Well, good news: research suggests that leaving the housework for another day could give your health a boost! Research results published in the Journal of Family Psychology revealed that doing housework when you get home from work prevents levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) from lowering and reduces recovery from stress.


However, stress levels for both men and women were lowered by housework being pleted – just so long as they weren‘t the ones doing it. Look after your health by taking turns to do the housework with other members of your household if possible, and take time out to relax afterwards.


Everyday health hazard 4: Using cash machines


Withdrawing money from ATM machines is a mon habit for most of us. However, cleanliness tests in Britain have revealed that cash machines are just as dirty as public toilets, and many of us are failing to wash our hands after using them. Experts assessed swabs from the key pads on cash machines and also from nearby public toilets and found that they both contained the same types of bacteria known to cause sickness. To look after your health, use an  hand gel once you have made

your  and after handling money.

从自动提款机中提起现金是大多数人的日常习惯。然而一项英国的洁净测试显示,提款机和公厕一样脏,而且,大多数人在使用后都不会去洗手。专家们在自动提款机的键盘和附近的公厕中提取了样品,发现两者均含有同样致病菌。为了您的健康,请在提款和处理钱款后使用抗菌洗手液清洗。 Everyday health hazard 5: Cancelling plans


Find yourself frequently cancelling plans and bailing out on social events to have a bit of time to yourself? Then it may be time to pay some attention to your soci

al life. While a

bit of ‗me time‘ is essential to good mental and physical health, too much time on your own can actually be bad for you.



Research suggests that having strong social bonds promotes brain health, reduces

feelings of depression and stress and encourages you to look after your health. In fact, a study found that having few friends affects your  as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.


Weight loss remains a major health issue for many of us despite the  of weight loss tips and medical aids that surround us. Most of the contemporary solutions border on providing unrealistic weight loss solutions or are too time-consuming. Drastic dieting is never remended since it can leave you  and damage your body in an manner. In order to lose weight naturally, i.e. without using any magic pill or gymming like a maniac, use the following tips:


Consider Whole Grains As Your Friends


Try to eat a larger concentration of foods made from whole grains (rotis, whole wheat breads, cookies and oatmeal) rather than refined or processed foods. Whole grains are more plex for the body to , taking a longer digestion route. This keeps the body busy for a longer period, ensuring that energy is released throughout the day. This helps to decrease the frequency and intensity of hunger pangs, particularly the sugar cravings.

吃一些富含谷物成分的食物(roti面包,全麦面包,饼干和燕麦)而不是精制或加工过的食物。全谷类食物的代谢较为复杂,需要较长时间才能消化。这样会让身体在较长的一段时间内忙着消化食物,并能保证能量可以在全天得以释放。这会有助于减少饥饿感频度和强度,尤其是对糖分摄入的渴求。 Psychological Preparedness


Don‘t be shy about your weight loss goals. In fact, use the people around you to your advantage. Announce it amongst your friends and family that they should  you every time you are headed for a bit piece of creamy cake or a cheese-loaded pizza. 不要因为减肥而感到害羞。事实上,可以让身边的人来帮你减肥。告诉你的朋友和家人,让他们在每当你想拿奶油蛋糕或含有奶酪的披萨时都要阻止你。

Know Your Food


You need to be more alert when picking up packaged food items. Remember that non- fats and essential fatty acids are the good kind of fats that your body needs for its basic functions. Food items bearing labels of low-fat or low-sugar might not necessarily contain lesser calories. Instead, try to make smarter . For instance, you can choose eggless baked items and juices without sugar.


Use Water As A Weight Loss Tool


Try to drink water every time you get hungry or you are about to have a meal, i.e. just before a major meal like a lunch or dinner. This is a simple and effective way of instantly your hunger to a certain extent. More water also raises the

metabolic rate or the rate at which the body uses calories, meaning you are losing more calories per hour.


Manipulate Yourself To Reduce Food Intake


Try to eat slowly, breaking your food into more bites. This will ensure that you derive more pleasure out of each bite, allowing each morsel to provide more , ensuring your calorie intake at the dining table remain limited. Rather than taking single, big servings, try to take numerous small servings. This helps to establish

the  that you have been serving yourself repeatedly and also makes you more conscious about the amount of food you are about to consume.


Overe Your Snacking Habits


Snacking is perhaps the biggest sin a dieter can mit. To ensure that you stay away from the urge to bite into a chocolate or cookie, keep your mouth busy with sugar-free chewing gum. Try to sip iced or hot herbal teas prepared with minimal amount of sugar throughout the day. These are low cal aids that help to establish the feeling of feeding yourself without consuming too many calories, preventing the urge to snack.

吃零食是节食者会犯的最大错误。确保自己远离巧克力或饼干,可以在嘴里嚼无糖口香糖。喝冰镇的或者热的花草茶,里面尽量少放糖。这些低卡路里的食物会让你有饱腹感,压制住吃零食的冲动。 Keep Away From Salt


Salt is responsible for  of water within the large intestine. Further, salt tends to keep our blood pressure high, making us more to sweating. These factors raise our thirst and the tendency to consume , including teas and colas, which contain sugar.


Burn Your Sugars


If you cannot do without your daily intake of sweet or sugar-concentrated items, try to snack upon them during the morning hours. This ensures that the body will be using the calories extracted from your favorite milkshake throughout the day, reducing the num

ber of calories stored as fat.


Exercise Easily


You don‘t need to take upon heavy gym routines to exercise your problem areas. For instance, climbing up and down the stairs is one of the easiest, most accessible types ofcardiovascular exercise that works-out your hips, legs and thighs beautifully. Combine this with undemanding calorie-burners like brisk walks, walking to the nearby market, walking when talking on your mobile and taking upon more household chores. 你不必去健身房锻炼。比方说,上下楼梯就是最简单最有效的锻炼心血管系统的方式,能够让你的臀部、小腿和大腿变得健美。再做一些容易的燃烧卡路里的运动,比如散步、走着去附近的市场、边打电话边走动、做一些家务等。 Weight Loss Precautions You Shouldn’t Ignore 不能忽视的减肥注意事项 Maintaining your body frame is vital at the time of losing weight. Weight loss often causes loss of vital protein, weakening the muscles that are necessary to maintain the elasticityof our tissues. To ensure that you don‘t lose too much of your lean muscle mass, ensure you consume egg whites on a daily basis. Avoid the yolk since it contains a high amount of cholesterol. 在减肥时保持体形是非常重要的。减肥会导致身体缺少重要的蛋白质,使得维持身体组织弹性的肌肉变弱。为了让自己不要失去大量精瘦肌肉块,每天要吃一些鸡蛋清。尽量少吃蛋黄,因为里面的胆固醇含量较高。 告别压力山大:7种方法教你15分钟轻松减压

Everyone feels overwhelmed and stressed sometimes:


Maybe you have a family situation that needs extra time and attention;


Maybe you have a particular co-worker that just somehow grates on your very last nerve;


Maybe you are ill or some you love is ill;


So what can you do when you feel angry, overwhelmed and stressed about the things you really have little control over? I believe that if you add preventative stress

management into your daily lifestyle you can more easily control how you handle your reaction to the stressful situations that crop up.


Follow these simple steps to invite peace and  into your life:


1. Exercise.


One way to work off stress and anxiety is to get moving. You can join a gym, work out in your bedroom or garage, or just take a walk. It‘s a great way to get your endorphins going and feel happier. You can also try exercising together with your family. One of the benefits of exercising together is that you‘ll all feel calmer afterward. When you‘re all de-stressed together, you can help one another through issues.


2. Smile.


Smiling and laughing is one of the best ways to instantly lighten your mood. A good joke with a friend, a good movie with your partner or just smiling at the sun shine.


3. Listen to music.


Music is one of the best ways to relax and de-stress, and it‘s popular with people of all ages, ine levels, and other factors. Pick the music you like; it‘s usually m


effective, though, when you choose something quiet. Listen to music that makes you feel rested and calm. Try several different musical styles – you‘ll know when you‘re listening to something that works for you. And once you‘ve located it, you can listen whenever you need to for a calming break.

音乐是放松和减压的最佳良方,并且深受各年龄段和收入水平的各种人们的喜爱。 挑选你喜欢的音乐,但是安静的音乐通常效果更好。听一听让你感到放松和平静的音乐。尝试几种不同的曲风,你就会知道听什么对你有效果。一旦你找到了适合自己的音乐,你就可以随时在需要安静休息的时候拿来听听了。

4. Read.


Reading is also a good way to de-stress. Choose a  book that‘s ical, romantic, or otherwise makes you feel good. You can also read a religious or spiritual book if you‘re so inclined. Any book that gives a good, positive message about the world or the people in it can help you feel better and be more relaxed.


5. Visualization.


Picture an  and peaceful scene, such as a meadow or a beach, and use all of your senses. Do you smell jasmine in the air? Can you hear the birds singing and feel the light breeze on your skin? Your body can‘t tell the difference between a thought and a real event, so bring your peaceful scene to mind the next time you‘re feeling anxious. You can visualize the stress flowing out of your body or running off your back like water. You can visualize growing roots, just like an old oak tree, you can feel the stress draining into the earth and being absorbed my mother nature.


6. Be grateful.


When you‘re feeling stressed, try counting your blessings. Write them down in a

gratitude journal. There is always something you can be thankful for… sometimes it is as simple as waking up. Think about all the things that are good in your life. When you focus on gratitude, you‘ll also see more of the good in your life. When you think negatively, it‘s easier to feel angry and stressed. Positive thinking, on the other hand, helps diffuse your anger and brings you more good things to feel good about!



7. Breathe.


When you are caught up in those really strong emotions that e with stress and overwhelm, take a moment to take a few slow, deep breaths. This action has multiple benefits. When you breathe deeply, it sends extra oxygen to your brain for clarity of thought and relaxes your muscles. It also gives you a moment to take a mental step back and look at the bigger picture. 如果你陷入了那些充满压力的强烈情绪中并感到不堪重负,花点时间做几个缓慢的深呼吸。这个动作有多重好处。深呼吸会将额外的氧气输送到你的大脑,让你思路清晰、放松肌肉。它也给你时间进行回想,再从长远考虑。 【减肥关键】成也是糖,败也是糖

Sugar could be key to weight loss 糖分成了减肥关键

Eating fresh fruit and vegetables helps people resist the temptation of waist-expanding treats, scientists have found.


When our supplies of  - found in  - drop we begin to lose our ability to control desire, while our urge to eat increases.

当碳水化合物中供给的葡萄糖不足时,我们吃东西的欲望就会不断上升,而大脑控制欲望的能力却开始减弱。 The lack of glucose – which is used to power the brain – makes us helpless against the urge to reach for high-calorie foods, researchers said.


people are particularly , with even the slightest drop in

glucose  irresistible cravings for carbohydrates, from which we get most of our sugar.


These can be "good" carbs, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, brown rice and pasta and wholemeal bread, or "bad" varieties which include white bread and sugar,  drinks, cakes, crisps and other packet snacks.


Making sure the brain's glucose levels do not drop could be the secret to staying slim, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation suggested.



Just 15 minutes of exercise a day can boost life expectancy by three years and cut death risk by 14%, research from Taiwan suggests.


Experts in The Lancet say this is the least amount of activity an adult can do to gain any health benefit.


This is about half the quantity currently remended in the UK.


Meanwhile, work in the British Journal of Sports Medicine suggests a couch potato lifestyle with six hours of TV a day cuts lifespan by five years.

同时,《英国运动医学期刊》表示,电视迷们每天花六个小时看电视将会使寿命减少五年。 The UK government recently updated its exercise advice to have a more flexible approach, remending adults get 150 minutes of activity a week.

英国政府近日校正了其运动建议,使运动途径变得更为灵活,他们建议成人每周运动150分钟。 This could be a couple of 10-minute bouts of activity every day or 30-minute exercise sessions, five times a week, for example.


Experts say this advice still stands, but that a minimum of 15 minutes a day is a good place to start for those who currently do little or no exercise.


The Lancet study, based on a review of more than 400,000 people in Taiwan, showed 15 minutes per day or 90 minutes per week of moderate exercise, such as  walking, can add three years to your life.


And people who start to do more exercise tend to get a taste for it and up their

daily, the researchers from the National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, and China Medical University Hospital found.
