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时间:2019-12-26 09:43:10 来源:学生联盟网



2009-02-18 22:17 提问者: feilunhai10 |浏览次数:7698次



2009-02-22 09:40

tomorrow we are going to plant trees. now let me tell you about how to plant a tree.

1 dig a hole large enough for the tree. but the hole should not be too deep  2 knock a long , strong stick into the earth in the hole .make sure that it hole again

3 put the tree in the hole next to the stick

4 put the earth back in the hole again

5 push it down hard with your foot several times

6tie the tree to the top of the stick.

7 water it well

i hope you must remember above and plant tress well



jizhonglu2 |五级采纳率26%



 2009-05-09 有关植树节的英语作文 311  2009-03-15 写一篇关于植树节的英语作文,60个单词. 193  2006-03-23 急需一篇关于“植树节”的英语作文 54  2009-05-05 小学生植树节英语作文 372  2010-04-30 植树节的英语作文5句话 56


 英语作文:植树节  英语作文:翻译  英语作文:关于  英语作文:范文  2010-05-08 英语作文:植树节快到了,写出你的计划。 21  2011-05-24 求英语作文植树节  2009-04-06 一篇英语作文,植树节的

其他回答 共2条

2009-02-19 00:31Moonlightchest|十四级


Arbor Day(379字)


Arbor Day is primarily an American holiday that encourages the planting and care of trees. Arbor Day occurs in the United States every year on the last Friday in April (April 28 in 2006), with the exception of Louisiana, which

observes the holiday on the third Friday in January and Hawaii which observes the holiday on the first Friday in November. The customary observance is to plant a tree, but it is not a public holiday and is no longer widely observed in USA (except in Nebraska, where it is a public holiday); in other states, it has been displaced by the emphasis on Earth Day.

Similar holidays exist worldwide, some going by the same name, as in

Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, where it is spelled Arbour Day. In China, it also memorates the passing of Dr Sun Yat-sen. The Japanese celebrate the similarly-themed Greenery Day.

Arbor Day was established by J Sterling Morton of Nebraska City, Nebraska in 1872. J Sterling Morton and his wife moved from Detroit, Michigan to the Nebraska Territory in 1854, where he was the editor of Nebraska's first

newspaper. His influence as a journalist led to his involvement in politics, and he became a promoter of the settlement of Nebraska. The lack of trees, however, was an obstacle.

The Great Plains had been described as the Great American Desert. The

tallgrass prairie that covered much of Nebraska at that time could provide rich farmland, but without wood for building houses or for fuel to heat homes, few

found it convenient to settle there. Even the allotment of free land by the Homestead Act failed to entice sufficient numbers of families to relocate to Nebraska.

Morton proposed Arbor Day as a tree planting holiday in 1872 at a meeting of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. On the first Arbor Day, prizes were offered to counties and to individuals for properly planting the largest number of trees. It was claimed that more than 1 million trees were planted in Nebraska on that day.

During the course of the 1870s, several other states passed legislation to

observe Arbor Day. Schools began to adopt the tradition beginning in 1882. By 1894, Arbor Day was celebrated in each state of the United States.



2009-02-22 12:32我是lulu11223|二级

1月1日元旦(New Year's Day)

2月2日世界湿地日(World Wetlands Day)

2月14日情人节(Valentine's Day)



3月8日国际妇女节(International Women' Day)


3月12日中国植树节(China Arbor Day)

3月14日白色情人节(White Day)

3月14日国际警察日(International Policemen' Day)

3月15日世界消费者权益日(World Consumer Right Day)

3月21日世界森林日(World Forest Day)

3月21日世界睡眠日(World Sleep Day)

3月22日世界水日(World Water Day)

3月23日世界气象日(World Meteorological Day)

3月24日世界防治结核病日(World Tuberculosis Day)

4月1日愚人节(April Fools' Day)

4月5日清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day)

4月7日世界卫生日(World Health Day)

4月22日世界地球日(World Earth Day)

4月26日世界知识产权日(World Intellectual Property Day)

5月1日国际劳动节(International Labour Day)

5月3日世界哮喘日(World Asthma Day)

5月4日中国青年节(Chinese Youth Day)

5月8日世界红十字日(World Red-Cross Day)

5月12日国际护士节(International Nurse Day)

5月15日国际家庭日(International Family Day)

5月17日世界电信日(World Telemunications Day)


5月23日国际牛奶日(International Milk Day)

5月31日 世界无烟日(World No-Smoking Day)

6月1日 国际儿童节(International Children's Day)

6月5日世界环境日(International Environment Day)


6月17日世界防治荒漠化和干旱日(World Day to bat desertification)  6月23日国际奥林匹克日(International Olympic Day)


6月26日国际禁毒日(International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking)

7月1日中国共产党诞生日(Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party)

7月1日国际建筑日(International Architecture Day)


7月11日世界人口日(World Population Day)

8月1日中国人民解放军建军节(Army Day)

8月12日国际青年节(International Youth Day)

9月8日国际扫盲日(International Anti-illiteracy Day)

9月10日中国教师节(Teacher's Day)


9月16日国际臭氧层保护日(International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer)


9月21日世界停火日(World Cease-fire Day)

9月27日世界旅游日(World Tourism Day)

10月1日中华人民共和国国庆节(National Day)

10月1日国际音乐日(International Music Day)

10月1日国际老年人日(International Day of Older Persons)

10月4日世界动物日(World Animal Day)

10月5日世界教师日(World Teachers' Day)(联合国教科文组织确立)


10月9日世界邮政日(World Post Day)

10月10日世界精神卫生日(World Mental Health Day)

10月14日世界标准日(World Standards Day)

10月15日国际盲人节(International Day of the Blind)

10月15日世界农村妇女日(World Rural Women's Day)

10月16日世界粮食日(World Food Day)

10月17日国际消除贫困日(International Day for the Eradication of Poverty)  10月24日联合国日(United Nations Day)

10月24日世界发展新闻日(World Development Information Day)


10月29日国际生物多样性日(International Biodiversity Day)




11月14日世界糖尿病日(World Diabetes Day)


11月25日国际消除对妇女的暴力日(International Day For the elimination of Violence against Women)

12月1日世界爱滋病日(World AIDS Day)

12月3日世界残疾人日(World Disabled Day)


12月9日世界足球日(World Football Day)

12月25日圣诞节(Christmas Day)

12月29日国际生物多样性日(International Biological Diversity Day)  1月最后一个星期日国际麻风节


春分月圆后的第一个星期日复活节(Easter Monday)(有可能是3月22-4月25日间的任一天)

5月第二个星期日母亲节(Mother's Day)


6月第三个星期日父亲节(Father's Day)

9月第三个星期二国际和平日(International Peace Day)


9月第四个星期日国际聋人节(International Day of the Deaf)

10月的第一个星期一世界住房日(World Habitat Day)

10月的第二个星斯一加拿大感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)

10月第二个星期三国际减轻自然灾害日(International Day for Natural Disaster


10月第二个星期四世界爱眼日(World Sight Day)

11月最后一个星期四美国感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)


农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival)

农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival)

农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival)

农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day)

农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)

农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)

农历腊月初八腊八节(the laba Rice Porridge Festival)


Arbor Day is primarily an American holiday that encourages the planting and care of trees. Arbor Day occurs in the United States every year on the last Friday in April (April 28 in 2006), with the exception of Louisiana, which

observes the holiday on the third Friday in January and Hawaii which observes the holiday on the first Friday in November. The customary observance is to plant a tree, but it is not a public holiday and is no longer widely observed in USA (except in Nebraska, where it is a public holiday); in other states, it has been displaced by the emphasis on Earth Day.

Similar holidays exist worldwide, some going by the same name, as in

Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, where it is spelled Arbour Day. In China, it also memorates the passing of Dr Sun Yat-sen. The Japanese celebrate the similarly-themed Greenery Day.

Arbor Day was established by J Sterling Morton of Nebraska City, Nebraska in 1872. J Sterling Morton and his wife moved from Detroit, Michigan to the Nebraska Territory in 1854, where he was the editor of Nebraska's first

newspaper. His influence as a journalist led to his involvement in politics, and he became a promoter of the settlement of Nebraska. The lack of trees, however, was an obstacle.

The Great Plains had been described as the Great American Desert. The tallgrass prairie that covered much of Nebraska at that time could provide rich farmland, but without wood for building houses or for fuel to heat homes, few

found it convenient to settle there. Even the allotment of free land by the Homestead Act failed to entice sufficient numbers of families to relocate to Nebraska.

Morton proposed Arbor Day as a tree planting holiday in 1872 at a meeting of the Nebraska State Board of Agriculture. On the first Arbor Day, prizes were offered to counties and to individuals for properly planting the largest number of trees. It was claimed that more than 1 million trees were planted in Nebraska on that day.

During the course of the 1870s, several other states passed legislation to

observe Arbor Day. Schools began to adopt the tradition beginning in 1882. By 1894, Arbor Day was celebrated in each state of the United States.


Planting Trees Day es on March 12 every year. Do you know what can we do to help on the day?

In China, Planting Trees Day is on March 12. This special day began in 1979. On that day, people can plant many trees. And if we plant trees more, we must also take care of the trees by watering them until they grow up to be strong. In different countries, Planting Trees Days are on different days. Like in India, Planting Trees Day is on July 1.

Why do the people plant trees? It is very easy. Because they want to protect the environment. There are many people who want to earn the money form only cutting down trees. So more and more trees are cut by them. But kind people want to protect the environment and make the air clean. So they plant trees as many as they can.

All these actions show that people should pay more attention to the

environment. We want to make it better, don’t we? So we must plant more trees to protect the environment.

So, everyone, if you want to make the air clean, please try your best to protect the environment and plant more trees.


还有没有纸飞机,在温暖的春季里,载着我的梦和你,环绕世界飞进我心里,植树节,种下一棵树,种下一份爱的寄托,亲爱的,你要快乐。 一键送 定制下发

分享到:    2 ^o^ 我是你的一棵树,树叶为你遮风挡雨,树干为你坚强而立,树皮为你入药祛病,树根为你输送养分。亲爱的,植树节快乐! 一键送 定制下发


电脑在20世纪60年代开始流行起来。omputers started to bee popular with big panies in the 1960s.


You’ve probably known about puters your whole life. But puters have not really been around for very long. Computers started to bee popular with big panies in the 1960s. Computers didn’t bee widespread in homes and schools until the 1980s.


People use puters in many ways. Stores use puters to keep track of products and check you out at the cash register. Banks use puters to send money all over the world.

Computers help teachers keep track of lessons and grades. They help students do research and learn. Computers let you hook up to networks (many puters hooked together). They let you hook up to a worldwide network called the Internet.

Scientists use puters to solve research problems. Engineers use puters to make cars, trucks, and airplanes. Architects use puters to design houses and other buildings. The police use puters to track down criminals. The military uses puters to make and read coded messages.



1、In our country, for  example, people from the south like to eat rice whereas people living in the north prefer bread or noodles. 例如我们国家,南方人喜欢吃大米,而北方人喜欢吃面包和面条。

2、Therefore, it is not easy for restaurants to satisfy the needs of all the customers.因此,饭馆很难满足所有人的饮食需求。

People in different parts of our country have very different ideas about what is good to eat. In our country, for  example, people from the south like to eat rice whereas people living in the north prefer bread or noodles. The natives of Hunan or Sichuan enjoy hot food while those of Shanghai or Suzhou will choose sweet dish.

But even if people live in the same part of the country, their tastes vary greatly. Old people and young ones have different tastes; men and women also have their different preferences. In a restaurant, some customers order soups that is thick and heavy, while others drink soup that is thin and clear. A few people only eat vegetables. They de noteat fish or chicken.

Therefore, it is not easy for restaurants to satisfy the needs of all the customers. To increase their business, the restaurants in the cities try their best to prepare foods of different kinds and different styles. They constantly add new names of dishes to their menus to eater for customers with different tastes.



Part 1相关词汇:

1. keep fit /healthy 保持健康   6.give up junk food 戒除垃圾食品

2. take exercise 做锻炼  7. avoid too much pressure

3.do sports regularly有规律的做运动 避免太多的压力

4.eating habits 饮食习惯                8.keep yourself happy   保持自己开心

5.have a balanced diet有平衡的饮食  9.lead a happy life 过快乐的生活 Part 2相关句子:

1. It’s very important for everyone to keep healthy. 对每个人来说保持健康很重要

2. We can't study or work well without healthy body.


3. There're many ways to keep healthy. 这儿有一些方法能保持健康。

4. We’d better eat more vegetables and fruit instead of junk food.


5. Try to take exercise every day to make our bodies strong.


6. Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body.


7. We can spend an hour playing ball games with friends everyday.


8. We should avoid too much pressure and keep ourselves happy.


9. In a word, if we stick to the advice given above, we will lead a healthy life.


10. Though it is very difficult, you will learn it well if you work hard at it.




Today many teenagers are unhealthy because they do less exercise , eat more junk food .They haven’t got enough time to sleep.



First of all, you should keep taking exercise every day. (做锻炼) Second, have a healthy diet.  (健康的饮食习惯)

1.You’d better eat more fruit and vegetables which What’s more, a healthy lifestyle can help us grow up healthily.  (健康的生活习惯)

1. Having enough sleep can help your brain work better. Don’t it’s bad for our health.

Finally, besides body health, we also need friendship.(友谊,交流,心理健康)




Part 1 . 相关词组:

1. 有平衡的饮食

2. 保持健康

3. 有规律的做运动

4. 做锻炼

5. 健康的生活方式

6. 保持自己开心戒除垃圾食品

7. 避免太多的压力

8. 过健康的生活

Part 2 . 相关句子:

1. 对每个人来说保持健康很重要

2. 没有健康我们就无法学习或工作好。

3. 每天做运动能帮助我们强健体魄。

4. 早餐是一天中最重要的一餐,对我们的健康非常有好处。


6. 别熬夜,尽量早睡早起。

7. 健康的生活方式能帮助我们健康地成长。

8. 我们应该避免太多的压力而保持愉快的心态。

9. 总之,如果我们坚持以上的建议,就能过上健康的生活。



It’s necessary for us to have healthy life habits. But many students don’t care about it. Evert day, 20 percent of the students don’t eat breakfast, 40 percent of the students only do sports on PE.

I think it is bad for our health. Breakfast is important for us to have energy in the morning. Doing sports can not only build up our bodies but also reduce diseases.      Here is some healthy advice for us. First of all, we should eat breakfast such as milk, eggs and bread. Second, we can play basketball with friends. It can not only make us strong but also help us make more friends.

The first wealth is the health. So, let’s keep healthy together!



According to the survey, 40 students like watching Tv or playing puter games in the free time, 30 students would like to do some sports and 10 students choose to talk with others after class.

I think it’s a good idea to do sports and talk with others after class. Because sports can build up our bodies, munication can help us with problems and fort us. However, I don’t think it’s good for us to spend too much time watching Tv or playing puter games.  They are bad for our eyes.      Here is my advice to relax. First, we can have enough sleep. Then, we can play basketball with friends at weekends. Last but not least, we can have a chat with parents.

In a word, we should choose a healthy way to relax ourselves.



Lantern Festival

The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China.

According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out for people to appreciate. At this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao and get all their families united in the joyful atmosphere.




Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of China. It used to be as important as Spring Festival .It is usually celebrated in September or Ocotber. This festival is to celebrate the havast and to enjoy the beautiful moon light.To some extent, it is like Thanks Giving day in western countries. On this day, people usually get together with their families and have a nice meal. After that, people always eat delicious moon cakes, and watch the moon. The moon is always very round on that day, and makes people think of their relitives and friends. It is a day of pleasure and happiness. Hope you have a wonderful Mid Autumn festival!   第二篇:

Today is Mid-Autumn Day, I'really happy. Mid-Autumn Day is a holiday in China. It's an occasion for family reunion. Chinese families like to get together to eat the moon cakes and watch the moon at the Moon Festival night. For the people who are out of town or for Chinese people who stay .In the evening, I with my prenents see she moon,the moon was very bright,and I fall in love with the moon!



One evening last summer, my father used to sit at home in front of the stone table to drink, as inverted too hard, liquor overflow from the cup to the table, Dad rushed Looking down, one to overflow into the table wine " squeak, "t bang sucked his mouth, but also thus elatedly Zazhao mouth, said:" true incense. "Then t to the kitchen to take" tapas "to the.

I can see through the windows of the room when the father looked drinking, thinking: That wine definitely better than my mother to buy milk. Orange should taste good. Pondered, I t to the kitchen to the father, said: "Daddy, I would like to drink." Papa said: "The child can not drink, drinking bad for the brain." I had to go sadly opened.

Then, I came to Shizhuo ago, looked at the full glass of wine, and my heart itch, and hastened to taste a big mouth and I drink down on the moment, but also wine spit it out, "wow, too hot!" I so busy in the kitchen to eat a few big mouth and his father are doing Tangban tomatoes. See my dad like to eat, said: "You usually do not like to eat most Tangban tomatoes, how to eat today so fierce?" I did not swallow such as tomatoes mouth, and quickly said: "From today onwards, I like to eat a! "Dad looked at me like to eat, laugh out. I quietly took a few tomatoes stuffed into his mouth. Then, we t to a neighbor's red play. A moment later, I feel the face of fever, head 晕晕, and is probably the reason why drinking wine bar that mouth!

I still have not been able to understand: wine so hot, so difficult to drink, and my father why drink so fortable, so happy then?


有关体育的英语作文 精彩句子抢先看

1、It is neither genius nor extraordinary ability that gives us power to deal with and overe whatever hardship one is confronted with.

2、As in the picture, the athlete is running, with a determined spirit, towards the finishing line in order to obtain the gold medal, considered as the symbol of success for any sportsman.

I most like the human is Liu Xiang 。 the famous athlete Liu Xiang striding forward in the Olympics Games in Athens. Determination is universally regarded asa highly praised quality. It is neither genius nor extraordinary ability that gives us power to deal with and overe whatever hardship one is confronted with. It is this kind of spirit that enables us to endure the difficult moments and attain our goals.

The determined spirit gives us light when we are in dark moments and encourages when we are frustrated. With this quality, no enemy can overwhelm us, and noobstacles can stand in our way. There are many examples of success being achieved solely through the strong will of the spirit. As in the picture, the athlete is running, with a determined spirit, towards the finishing line in order to obtain the gold medal, considered as the symbol of success for any sportsman. It is determination that leads to success. ?

It is not easy to cultivate this determined spirit. To do this, we must establish a firm faith in our actions and be ready to devote ourselves to them. We must boldly go through trials and hardships to train our will so as to get rid of the weak points of our moral character. Around us, there are quite a few people with this intense determination and spirit and set a good example for us to follow.




我把他们要咨询的问题提前告诉你,你先看看,到时候直接告诉他们就行了. 问题如下:




Address                                                       date

Dear cousin :

Hello, please accept my most sincere wishes, and you are able to enter the University of California which shows that you are very good in academic achievement. My teacher and her family will go to Los Angeles recently, but they are not familiar with in Los Angeles, you can help them when they are in there. I tell you to consult a problem that they have in advance. You see first, then tell them directly.

The problem is as follows:

1. How to solve the problem of house, which is booked well in advance, or to order again?

2. What were probably the first to eat, which need to take some things at home, they are afraid that not used to?

3. How long they spend when they visit a few famous scenic spot in Los Angeles and how much probably is the consumption?

That's the problem they may need to solve. Well, thousands of words, I can only congratulations on your own satisfaction got into the school, for our dreams and efforts to fight it. I will go to see your summer vacation, you must pay attention to your body!

Best wishes to you,



题目:I have lost something valuable

正文:During our lifetime,we may lose large numbers of objects,maybe money,luggage or something else,and we normally won't keep them in mind.However,when we lose something valuable,it may be a pity to us,and we will always feeling regretful why we don't keep it well.

I have lost something valuable not long before,that is my cellphone.On my way back to school by bus,which was so crowded that I couldn't stand firm,I've just answered a phone call.However,I didn't realize that my cell phone was missing until I got off the bus.I felt so angry,but more regreful why I didn't keep it well for there are all the short messages belong to me and my girl friend,these are quite precious for me,and these are all about my emotional experience,each words witness my love.

How unlucky I am!After the matter,I thought a lot.In current society,what we lose may not only be an object,but the belief on the people in it.A thief is not horrible,what is really horrible is the mind of people.In my opinion,wherever we are,we should remember to learn to protect ourselves,no matter in the physical aspects or mental aspects.