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【《世界各地狂欢节介绍》4900字】 世界狂欢节

时间:2019-09-23 09:20:42 来源:学生联盟网


世界三大狂欢节: 意大利威尼斯面具节、法国尼斯狂欢节、巴西里约热内卢狂欢节纷纷登场。这三大顶级狂欢节会,主要都是针对天主教“四旬斋节”而来。每年二月复活节前四十天 的“四旬斋节”封斋期前,欧洲各地都会举办狂欢节,让大家可以在这欢庆日子里,忘记自己的阶级地位,只是尽情享受生命。

巴西盛大狂欢节 热舞闹饮  巴西狂欢节历来被喻为世界上最豪华、最精彩的年度狂欢庆典,今年这一盛典将于2月26日 正式拉开帷幕,包括里约热内卢和萨瓦多等城市都陷入闹饮的气氛中,桑巴舞和彩车大游行成为万人期待的节日重头戏。桑巴舞王雷默默和森巴女王及公主在街上跳 起热舞,全市都陷入森巴热潮,不少舞者希望可以赢得桑巴舞蹈大奖。巴西民众为了狂欢节庆典莫不精心打扮,夸张艳丽的造型和火辣的舞蹈很快炒热气氛。      亚马逊狂欢节起源于17世纪一只公牛获救的传说,后来当地人将牛作为狂欢节的象征。为期3 天的狂欢节时,人们狂热地跳桑巴舞,并进行化妆游行比赛。巴西狂欢节被誉为“地球上最伟大的表演”。现在这个节日已成为巴西最盛大的民族传统节日,极富亚马逊地区的印第安人特色,每年吸引大量游客前来观摩。   巴西狂欢节有一大传统特色,那就是常常出现“易装癖” ,男女盛行互调装扮,最贫穷一族亦好像摇身变成社会主人翁,陶醉于美梦之中。那些身着华丽短裙、夸张地扭动身体的男子,以及穿起男装、舞姿粗犷奔放的女性 并非心理有问题,他们只是遵照了巴西狂欢节的古老传统,忘却现实生活中的自己,以一个全新的形象释放心中的热情。不过,对于游客来说,这些“错位”的装束 无疑具有很大的吸引力。狂欢节上最著名的活动是桑巴大游行,所有参与巡游的人身穿炫丽服装随着森巴的节奏舞动,尽情地摆动身躯,连带群众也会忍不住一起共 舞。在这为期四日四夜的狂歌热舞庆祝活动中,身在里约热内卢的每个人,无论是巴西人抑或外国游客,都会暂时放下现实生活的枷锁,尽情投入在虚无飘缈的幻像 世界,享受没有严峻经济或社会包袱缠绕的乌托邦。巴西狂欢节将持续五天,在3月1日落幕,闹饮后的巴西人将进入复活节前的四旬节。

意大利面具狂欢节 尽情放纵   威尼斯狂欢节最大的特点是它的面具,其次是它的华丽服饰。意大利威尼斯面具节是目前唯一以面具为主角的庆典,除了展示各式各样面具外,游客也可亲自参与 化妆或戴上面具深刻体验,独具特色。在面具后面,年龄差异被消除,老人变年轻了,年轻人一下子老成持重起来。年轻人和小人物借助面具代表的权威把自己装扮 成大人物。而老人极力将自己装扮得很年轻,甚至越无知越愚蠢越好,男人可以变成女人,女人也可以变成男人。意大利威尼斯狂欢节活动时间一般定在2月下旬,为期12天,全城满是令人惊艳的炫装男女,带着七颜六色造型的面具,妆扮中古世纪的贵族、平民、鬼魅不分贫贵到处窜动。游客也会禁不住买个面具造型一番,加入这场狂欢。这一传统可追述到1700年前。权贵和穷人可以通过面具融合在一起。在面具的后面,社会差异暂时被消除。富人变成了穷人,而穷人成了富人。他们互相尊敬地打着招呼。狂欢节,意大利文Carnevale,意指封斋前的狂欢节。狂欢节结束后开始进入复活节前的四旬斋(Lent)。远在古罗马时代,农神节的宗教节庆就是现今狂欢节会的前身。这个很受欢迎的节日,是为了尊敬农神(多种时期的神)已经有一些狂欢节会的特色,和奇迹般的特性。

法国尼斯狂欢节 花的海洋  法国尼斯狂欢节最早可追溯到1294年, 当时因宗教理由,为迎接长达四十天的封斋节,民众想在斋戒前夕尽情狂欢、吃肉喝酒,才有一连串的表演与庆祝。如此数百年过去,尼斯狂欢节会已经成为各地观 光客专程朝圣的一场节庆了,到处可见游行队伍、卖艺的街头艺人,及杂耍特技表演,开心、欢乐的气氛洋溢其中。街道上挂满闪烁的灯泡,游客陶醉于炫烂的灯海 中。除了灯海,近十公吨的鲜花,更将尼斯点缀得妩媚动人,形成一片花海。   尼斯狂欢节会的精神象征就是“狂欢节之王”的大游行,狂欢节之王指的是一个高约数层楼的大人偶,将带领着整个游行的进行。狂欢节会场的另一

个特色,是花 团锦簇,精采的花车大游行不容错过,大游行队伍里穿插着鲜花装饰的花车,花车上的热情少女,行进间不断向围观群众抛掷花朵。“狂欢节之王”完成最后一次游 行后,整批队伍会在众人的簇拥下来到海边,然后用火把“狂欢节之王”燃烧殆尽,接着释放灿烂的庆祝烟火,为狂欢节会画下完美句点。不过接下来的露天舞会, 又让众人尽情飙舞、欲罢不能!



德国科隆狂欢节。德国以科隆狂欢节规模最大、也最有影响,每年都有来自世界各地数十万人到科隆观看狂欢节。直接参与狂欢节游行和各项官方活动的就有万余人。在德国的狂欢节中贯穿着化妆游行活动,“玫瑰星期一大游行” “啤酒节”,到“女人节”这天标志狂欢节进入高潮。在这里,狂欢节的主要活动是化妆游行。浩浩荡荡的游行队伍穿过一条条张灯结彩的街道。热闹欢快的气氛吸引无数人驻足观看。走在游行队伍最前面的是警察马队,后面紧跟着五彩缤纷的大彩车,车上载着各式各样的人物,有王子公主、武士权贵,也有商人平民,农夫走卒,甚至还有妖魔鬼怪……科隆、杜塞尔多夫一带有许多狂欢节协会,那一带大大小小的城市每年都要选出一名王子,实际上王子是花钱买的,谁钱出得多,就是谁.比如要在波恩做王子要出5万马克,而要在科隆做王子则要拿出25万马克.据说这个位置还争得很厉害呢。狂欢节先是从所谓女人狂欢夜(Weiberfastnacht)开始(星期四).在那天,你要是戴着名牌领带,可就不要上街了.德国姑娘们入夜后便成群结队地拿着剪刀在街上转,推推挤挤中就把男人的领带给剪了.那天科隆一带的机场到处都挂着剪断的领带.但也有不少男人故意买一些破的甚至纸做的领带上街去领一领与芳龄少女调情的滋味。星期六,一些小镇便开始游行.星期天游行队伍集中到中等城市如波恩上街.到了狂欢节的主要日子--玫瑰星期一(Rosenmontag)再集中到科隆,杜塞尔多夫和美茵茨这几个大中心.这几个大中心的游行队伍要行走四小时左右,热闹得不得了.几百万的观众高呼Kamelle(给我糖)!Hellau!Ahoi!等,争抢游行队伍抛来的巧克力等,在乐队,舞蹈,马队等等等等长长的队列后面,排在最后的是等待收拾残局的垃圾清扫车.



法国尼斯狂欢节。 狂欢节是尼斯冬季的亮点,也是城市投资的重点。花车穿插彩车一起游行、花车上美丽的姑娘不断向游人投掷鲜花是尼斯狂欢节一大特色,仅为鲜花埋单就是一

笔巨 大的开支。为了既尊重传统又跟上时代,自20世纪50年代起,每届尼斯狂欢节都确定一个主题,马戏、小丑、美食、欢笑、疯狂、爱情、20世纪、新千年、欧 洲等概念都为狂欢节提供过灵感,并为艺术家们提供了发挥想象力的舞台。有了这一年一度的狂欢节,因海滩和阳光而夏日爆满的尼斯在冬天的旅游淡季也游人如 织。

加拿大渥太华冬季狂欢节。 加拿大许多地方每年都要举办冬季狂欢节。狂欢节从每年2月的第一个周末开始,持续两周。狂欢节期间,各地举办丰富多彩的文娱体育活动,所有活动都围绕冰雪 题材展开。加拿大首都渥太华和魁北克省首府魁北克城举办的冬季狂欢节规模最大,形式和内容也最具特色。渥太华冬季狂欢节于1979年开始正式举办,其宗旨 是让人们在漫长的冬季尽量外出活动,与人交流,从而丰富人们的冬季生活,培育冰雪文化,吸引更多外来游客,促进当地旅游业发展。

玻利维亚奥鲁罗狂欢节。 玻利维亚奥鲁罗狂欢节是南美大陆最具特色的狂欢节之一,在为期一周的狂欢期间,人们身着艳丽的服装,在街上大跳鬼神舞,以特殊的方式狂欢着,它不仅仅是正 义战胜邪恶的表现,还将宗教与传统、基督教与印度教的文化融为一体。鬼神舞服装的设计和制作别具特色,已经发展成为奥鲁罗的一大艺术形式。这里有很多鬼神 舞俱乐部,每个俱乐部的成员在40―300人左右,由于表演用的服装动辄每件几百美元,所以各俱乐部都要靠企业家出资赞助。

特立尼达狂欢节。这个加勒比岛国的狂欢节开始于2月 份,持续一个多星期。欢庆期间会举行音乐表演和全国性的音乐大赛,举行化妆舞会,评选出游行队伍的“国王”和“王后”,人们载歌载舞,狂欢到凌晨。彩色羽 毛、泥巴和油质等都被运用到狂欢节的彩妆中,大家在第二日凌晨狂欢节目接近尾声时交换身上色彩艳丽的节日服装。彩车没有固定的游行路线,它们散布于城市的 各个角落。








2006中国(深圳)华侨城旅游狂欢节。7月21日至28日,“2006中国(深圳)华侨城旅游狂欢节”暨首届中国当代艺术节将在深圳举行。此为不定期举办的、实为旅游节的活动。   欢乐谷社区狂欢节。深圳市





网络购物狂欢节on-line shopping carnival                                                              generations, it’s only an ordinary day; however, the young generations will

consider it as the singles’ day as well as the on-line shopping carnival. in fact,

on november 11th, 2013, tmall and taobao (the biggest chinese online shopping platform)

has sold out more than 35 billion yuan goods, this data has astonished the media at

home and

abroad. apparently, people have more interests on cyber shopping than spend the

night with their single friends. some home media even suggest that november 11th

should be the chinese on-line shopping carnival.                                                     当人们提到11月11日,你想到了什么?对于老一辈的人来说,这一天和平常一样;然




的兴趣。有些国内的媒体甚至建议每年的11月11日应该是中国的网络购物狂欢节。                           in 2010, jack ma, the ceo of tmall and taobao, had coined the term “double eleven”,

aimed to encourage the single people to do something to celebrate their own festival.

instead of dating lovers, people go on-line shopping to relive the loneliness.

according to the survey, china had 564 million internet users at the end of last year

and 180 million single people. and the single people are the main force of the china’

spending power. the debut was a great success. then “11.11” has an unusual

meaning, which stands for on-line shopping carnival.                                                 在2010年,天猫和淘宝的首席执行官马云,创造出了一个新词:“双11”,目的是为了






要外出,只需点击一下鼠标,商品就会送到家。最棒的是你可以在任何时间任何地点进                         行购物。你只需一张信用卡。我们可以预测到在将来,网购不会淡出我们的生活,它就

像雨后春笋,不断增长。篇二:购物狂欢节主持词                                                         河南牧业经济学院第六届万人购物                                                                   狂欢节主持词





宋:现场的各位领导、各位嘉宾                                                                     常:各位老师们、同学们,大家:                                                                   合:上午好!

宋:在各界的大力支持下,河南牧业经济学院第六届万人购物狂欢节即将拉开帷幕。                       常:在这里呢我们也预祝第六届购物节圆满成功!                                                     宋:首先请允许我向大家介绍出席本次开幕式的领导和嘉宾有: (介绍与会领导以及嘉


常:让我们以最热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导、各位嘉宾的到来! 宋:下面有请为本次狂欢


常:感谢精彩的致辞,下面有请参展商代表发言(展商代表发言) 宋:感谢热情洋溢的

发言!下面有请宣布展会开幕(领导宣布展会开幕)                                                       常:让我们再次忠心的感谢各位领导和嘉宾的到来,请今天与会的各位领导和嘉宾退场


宋:这是属于你我的节日                                                                           常:这是属于激情的乐园                                                                     宋:让我们畅享购物的乐趣,让我们感受青春的节拍 常:同时呢也由衷的感谢今天所有

台前幕后的工作人员 宋:第六届购物狂欢节开幕式                                                        合:到此结束篇三:购物狂欢节                                                                     佳木斯大学首届“双十一”购物狂欢节                                                               邀请函

佳木斯大学概况   佳木斯大学,木斯市,是一所融研究生教育、普通高等教育、继续教

育和留学生教育于一体的黑龙江省属重点综合性大学。                                                     学校的源头是建于1947年的合江军区卫生干部学校;1995年6月,由佳木斯医学院、


始运作。 截止2013年底,佳木斯大学占地150万平方米,建筑面积106万平方米,设有26


人,研究生1340人,继续教育生13800人;                                                              市场概括






常重要的契机,更是走向全市的平台。                                                                   活动时间:2014年11月8日—11月11日                                                            活动地点:佳木斯市大学生创新创业实践基地                                                         场地面积:550平方米。

主办单位:佳木斯筑梦信息咨询有限公司                                                             协办单位:佳木斯大学团委                                                                     佳木斯大学保卫处


a:日化用品:品牌洗发水、沐浴露、化妆品、洗衣粉等。 b: 运动鞋 服饰:男女各类

品牌运动鞋,运动服饰。 c: 休闲服饰:男女各类品牌休闲服饰。                                           d:女包:各类精品品牌女包。                                                                     e:针织饰品:精品针织手套,帽子等。                                                              f:文玩银饰:各类精品文玩 保真品牌玉石,银饰等。 g:冬季鞋类:品牌女靴,雪地靴,






5、校园海报,传单,kt板持续宣传                                                                  展位及广告费用

标准展位/9m:5800元                                                                     优质展位/9m:7800元                                                                     优惠条件:



3、提供活动秩序维持 安保工作

4、对企业或品牌进行校园推广                                                                     地址:黑龙江省佳木斯市佳木斯大学一区b院佳木斯市大学生创新创业实践基地篇四:

网络购物狂欢节on-line shopping carnival                                                              网络购物狂欢节on-line shopping carnival                                                          当人们提到11月11日,你想到了什么?对于老一辈的人来说,这一天和平常一样;然




有些国内的媒体甚至建议每年的11月11日应该是中国的网络购物狂欢节。                                   in 2010, jack ma, the ceo of tmall andtaobao, had coined the term double eleven,

aimed to encourage the singlepeople to do something to celebrate their own festival.

instead of datinglovers, people go on-line shopping to relive the loneliness.

according to thesurvey, china had 564 million internet users at the end of last year

and 180million single people. and the single people are the main force of the

chinasspending power. the debut was a great success. then 11.11 has an unusualmeaning,

which stands for on-line shopping carnival.                                                          在2010年,天猫和淘宝的首席执行官马云,创造出了一个新词:双11,目的是为了鼓






要外出,只需点击一下鼠标,商品就会送到家。最棒的是你可以在任何时                                     间任何地点进行购物。你只需一张信用卡。我们可以预测到在将来,网购不会淡出我们

的生活,它就像雨后春笋,不断增长。篇五:大学生购物狂欢节讲话稿                                       大学生购物狂欢节讲话稿                                                                     (3分钟)

尊敬的各位校方领导,亲爱的商户朋友和同学们:                                                     大家上午好:


学城第3届大学生购物狂欢节”。                                                                     “国粹欧雨草本,惊叹您的蜕变。”欧雨草本是上海欧雨化妆品公司旗下的知名品牌,是


力于打造中国高校护肤第一品牌,成为全球草本护肤的领军企业,为民族争光。                               “只关注大学生关注的还不够,解决大学生关注的才是王道!”欧雨草本公益大讲堂全国




作文三:《英语作文:网络购物狂欢节On-line Shopping Carnival》2100字

When it es to November 11, what’s on your mind? Well, as to the old generations, it’s only an ordinary day; however, the young generations will consider it as the Singles’ Day as well as the on-line shopping carnival. In fact, on November 11th, 2013, Tmall and Taobao (the biggest Chinese online shopping platform) has sold out more than 35 billion Yuan goods, this data has astonished the media at home and abroad. Apparently, people have more interests on cyber shopping than spend the night with their single friends. Some home media even suggest that November 11th should be the Chinese on-line shopping carnival.


In 2010, Jack Ma, the CEO of Tmall and Taobao, had coined the term “Double Eleven”, aimed to encourage the single people to do something to celebrate their own festival. Instead of dating lovers, people go on-line shopping to relive the loneliness. According to the survey, China had 564 million Internet users at the end of last year and 180 million single people. And the single people are the main force of the China’s spending power. The debut was a great success. Then “11.11” has an unusual meaning, which stands for on-line shopping carnival.


Comparing with the traditional shopping, the cyber shopping has more distinguish features, which quite fit the young generations’ taste. People do not need to go outside, just click their mouse, the goods will be home. The best part is you can do it anywhere, anytime. All you need is a credit card. What we can predict in the future is that on-line shopping is not going to fade away, instead, it will boost like the mushrooms after spring rains.


作文四:《Wuhan 英语介绍》9000字

Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province, People's Republic of China, and is the most populous city in central China. It lies at the east of Jianghan Plain, and the intersection of the middle reaches of the Yangtze and Han River. Arising out of the conglomeration of three boroughs, Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang, Wuhan is known as "the nine provinces' leading thoroughfare"; it is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and expressways passing through the city. The city of Wuhan, first termed as such in 1927, has a population of approximately 9,100,000 people (2006), with about 6,100,000 residents in its urban area. In the 1920s, Wuhan was the capital of a leftist Kuomintang (KMT) government led by Wang Jingwei in opposition to Chiang Kai-shek, now Wuhan is recognized as the political, economic, financial, cultural, educational and transportation center of central China.


Replica instruments of ancient originals are played at the Hubei Provincial Museum. A replica set of bronze concert bells is in the background and a set of stone chimes is to the rightWuchang has the largest lake within a city in China, the East Lake, as well as the South Lake. The Hubei Provincial Museum includes many artifacts excavated from ancient tombs, including a concert bell set (bianzhong). A dance and orchestral show is frequently performed here, using reproductions of the original instruments.

The Rock and Bonsai Museum includes a mounted platybelodon skeleton, many unique stones, a quartz crystal the size of an automobile, and an outdoor garden with miniature trees in the penjing ("Chinese Bonsai") style. Jiqing Street holds many roadside restaurants and street performers during the evening, and is the site of a Live Show  with stories of events on this street by contemporary writer Chi Li.

The Lute Platform in Hanyang was where the legendary musician Yu Boya is said to have played. According to the story of  zhiyin Yu Boya played for the last time over the grave of his friend Zhong Ziqi, then smashed his lute because the only person able to appreciate his music was dead.[citation needed]精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:s://gl.baidu.

Some luxury riverboat tours begin here after a flight from Beijing or Shanghai, with several days of flatland cruising and then climbing through the Three Gorges with passage upstream past the Gezhouba and Three Gorges dams to the city of Chongqing. With the pletion of the dam a number of cruises now start from the upstream side and continue west, with tourists traveling by motor coach from Wuhan.

The Yellow Crane Tower (Huanghelou) is presumed to have been first built in approximately 220 AD. The tower has been destroyed and reconstructed numerous times, was burned last according to some sources in 1884. The tower undert plete reconstruction in 1981. The reconstruction

utilized modern materials and added an elevator, while maintaining the traditional design in the tower's outward appearance.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:s://gl.baidu.

Popular foods

Doupi on the left and Re-gan mian on the rightHot and Dry Noodles, Re-gan mian (热干面) consists of long freshly boiled noodles mixed with sesame paste. The Chinese word re means hot and gan means dry. It is considered to be the most typical local food for breakfast.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:s://gl.baidu.

Duck's Neck or Ya Bozi (鸭脖子) is a local version of this popular Chinese dish, made of duck necks and spices.

Bean Pan or Doupi (豆皮)is a popular local dish with a filling of egg, rice, beef, mushrooms and beans cooked between two large round soybean skins and cut into pieces, structurally like a stuffed pizza without enclosing edges.

Soup dumpling or Xiaolongbao(小笼包)is a kind of dumpling with thin skin made of flour, steamed with very juicy meat inside, it is called Tang (soup) Bao (bun), because every time one takes a bite from it the soup inside spills out.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:s://gl.baidu.

Salty Doughnut or Mianwo (面窝) is a kind of doughnut with salty taste. It's much thinner than mon doughnut, and is a typical Wuhan local food.

Wuhan, posed of the three towns of Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang, is the capital of Hubei Province. The three towns, separated by the Yangtze and Hanshui rivers,a re linked by bridges, and because these municipalities are so closely connected by waterways, Wuhan is also called the "city on rivers." Being the largest inland port on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and a major stop on the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Wuhan is one of China‘s most important hubs of water and rail transportation and munications.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:s://gl.baidu.

Wuhan has an old history and rich cultural traditions. It began to prosper as a mercial town about two thousand years ago, when it was called Yingwuzhou (Parrot beach). From the first century to the beginning of the third century, the towns of Hanyang and Wuchang began to take shape. During the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the area became one of the most prosperous mercial centers along the Yangtze River. By the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Hankou had bee one of the four most famous cities in China. Today, Wuhan is the political, economic, and cultural center of Central China. It boasts of one of China‘s leading iron and steel plexes -- the Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation. Wuhan is also a city with a strong revolutionary tradition.


East Lake

This charming spot is in the Wuchang district of the city. It has a vast expanse of water (thirty- three square kilometers), with winding banks and willow trees. The surrounding area is divided naturally into several scenic areas among which Millstone Hill (Moshan) is the most attractive with flowers blooming all the year round-orchids in spring, lotus in summer, osmanthus in autumn, and plum blossoms in winter. The many beautiful buildings at the edge of the lake include Land of Water and Cloud (Shuiyunxiang) which serves as a teahouse, Listening to the Waves Tower (Tingtaoxuan), where the visitor can get a panoramic view of the lake, Poetry-Reciting Pavilion (Xingyinge), Lakeside Art Gallery (Binhuhualang), the Memorial Hall of Qu Yuan (340-278 B.C.), infinite Sky Tower (Changtianlou) which can acmodate a thousand visitors for tea, and Lu Xun Square. The park is dotted with lotus and fish ponds, as well as fruit trees (pear and orange) and luxuriant bamboo groves. The nineteen- meter-high Lake View Pavilion (Huguangge) stands on an island in the lake and is a fine vantage point from where to view the entire area. Gulls and swan geese which gather at East Lak ein winter are another attraction to visitors here.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:s://gl.baidu.

Guiyuan Temple


This four-hundred-year-old Buddhist temple stands in a wooded area of the Hanyang district. The picturesque pound of the temple includes a huge hall that houses five hundred skillfully scrlptured arhat statues, each different from the other in bodily posture and facial expression -- sitting, sleeping, laughing, angry. The temple also boasts of a rich collection of stone carvings, paintings, and Buddhist scriptures.

Tortoise Hill (Guishan)


Guishan, which looks like a huge tortoise, is in the north of Hanyang across the Yangtze River from Snake Hill. With the Hanshui River also flowing by in the north, the hill was a strategic point in ancient wars. It is said that when King Yu in primitive age came here to tame the river, he was confronted by a water demon whom he fought for several years without success. Finally, a tortoise from Heaven arrived and defeated the demon, which turned into Snake Hill are many temples, pavilions, and terraces built over the dynasties, including King Yu‘s Rock by the side of the river, King Yu‘s Temple, the carvings on cliffs, and the Ancient Music Terrace (Guqintai).

Snake Hill (Sheshan)精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:s://gl.baidu.

Sheshan has the shape of an immense snake with its head drinking from the Yangtze River and its tail cutting into the eastern part of the city. This hill used to be an important military fortress together with Tortoise Hill on the opposite bank of the Yangtze River. The best-known site on the hill is perhaps the Yellow Crane Tower (Huanghelou), which is associated with an old legend about a Taoist priest flying to Heaven on the back of a yellow crane. Remaining historical buildings include the Shenxiang Pagoda, Yue Fei Memorial Pavilion, Baobing Hall, the Taoist Evergreen Temple, and Yongyue Terrace, and there are many important stone carvings as well.


Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge

Completed in 1957, this engineering marvel is 1,670 meters long and has one level for automobiles and another for trains. The construction of this bridge provided direct rail service between north and south China for the first time.精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:s://gl.baidu.



Good afternoon, my dear professors and teachers! It’s such great honor for me to have this interview. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity. Now I’ll introduce myself briefly!

My name is yuhang Li, born in Hebei province. I’m 23 years old and I’m a senior student at Inner Mongolia University of Technology, majoring in Transportation Professional, which study on vehicles.

Recalling the three-year university life, I have been

working diligently. Also, I have gained a lot. First, I have been keeping No.1 almost in my major for three years and along with it, I gained national scholarship inspirational in Grade 2. Furthermore, I obtained School first-class scholarship for several times and"triple-a student" honor in school level and Autonomous Region. Second, I passed Cet4 , Cet6, Computer second-level and Computer level three. In addition to required courses, I also keep on self-study of the office, AutoCAD and some other puter skills.

Besides what I have said above, I also have many interests in my spare time. I’m fond of playing football, basketball and

reading . They keep me in good health and full of energy. I’m easy to get along well with and always have a good relationship with my friends and classmates. We have a good time, when we stay together.

During my high-school time, I always dreamed of studying in the University which just like Chang’anUniversity and I had been working really hard for it. Unfortunately, I failed to

perform well enough in thenational entrance examination. But I didn’t lose my belief. I studied hard and made a clear study plan the first day when I t to my present college. Although three years have passed, my dream is still earnest. Today I feel quite thrilled that I can be so close to my dream. So, if I’m giventhe chance to study Vehicle Engineeringin this famous university, I’ll try my best to join the new group and concentrate on study and research in this field.

Ok, that’s all. I hope you can be impressed with

myself-introduction. Thanks again for giving me this precious chance.


The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do e and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse t. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should e and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must e and see me at my house in the city."

The Country mouse t to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is ing!" They ran away quickly and hid.

After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid."

Hello everyone, my name is Lee. This is really a great honor to have this opportunity, and I believe I can make good performance today. Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am 20 years old,born in Guangdong province, south of China, and I am a senior student at Guangdong **University. My major is English. And I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in June. In the past four years, I spent most of my time on study. I passed CET4 and CET6 with a ease and acquired basic theoretical and practical knowledge of  Language. Besides, I have attended several Speech petition held in Beijing, which really showed our professional advantages. I have taken a tour to some big factories and panies, through which I got a deep understanding of  English for application. Compared to developed countries, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1998, our packaging industry is still underdeveloped, messy and unstable, and the situation of employees in the field is awkward. But I have full confidence in its bright future if only our economy can be kept at the growth pace still. I guess you may be interested in why I choose this job. I would like to tell you that this job is one of my lifelong goals.  If I can work here,I will work hard. As to my character, I cannot describe it well, but I know I am optimistic and confident. Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading and listening to the music, but I am not lonely, for I like to chat with my classmates about almost everything. My favorite pastime is to play volleyball, to play cards or to surf online. From life at university, I learn how to balance study and entertainment. By the way, I was an actor in our amazing drama club. I have a few glorious memories on stage. That is my pride...


I have lots of interest, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on.



Good morning , everybody:大家早上好!

My name is Leo. I'm from Zhengxin primary school.我的名字叫力欧,我七岁了,我来自广东省广州是花都区新华镇正心小学!

I study in Class 3, Grade 3. I have a lot of hobbies, like swimming, singing, and learning English.我在三年级(三)班,我有许多爱好,比如说游泳、唱歌、学英语。

There are 3 people in my family, my mother, father, and I.我们家有三口人,我的爸爸妈妈和我。

My mother is a nurse. She always works hard。我的妈妈是护士,他的工作很努力 。

My father is a doctor. He helps with the sick people to make them healthy.我的爸爸是医生,他医治很多病人,使他们健康起来。

I love my family so much! 我非常爱我的家!

Thank you!谢谢!


Hi,boys and girls, good morning, it is my pleasure to take this change to introduce myself, my name is Leo, I am 10 years old. About my family, there are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and me, my father and mother are all very kind, wele you to visit my family if you have time!


I ’m a very outgoing boy(girl), I like reading、playing games and listening to music, of course, I also like to make friends with all the people in the school, I hope I will be your best friends in the school life.



Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. I am Leo from Guangzhou Zhengxin International School. I am a sunny boy. My family love me and I love them too. My mom works very hard every day. She es home very late in the evening. Do you know how to help the parents at home? Let me tell you about that.


Usually my dad cooks for us. Sometimes I help my dad to wash the vegetables. Sometimes I set the table. I always wash the dishes when we finish eating. After I finish my homework I often water the flowers. I also look after my pet fish. I feed the fish before I go to bed.



I really enjoy helping my parents at home. Do you think I am a helpful boy? I think so! Thank you! 我很喜欢帮助爸爸妈妈去做事,你觉得我是一个好帮手吗?我想我是!谢谢!

My name is Liyuanyuan. I'm a boy and I am 12 yeas old, there are 4 people in my family. My father is a Chemistry teacher. He teaches chemistry in Zhengxin senior high school. My mother is a Chinese teacher. She teaches Chinese in the university. I have an elder brother; he is a junior middle school student and is preparing for the entrance exam. I'm tall and I have a pair of big eyes. Now, I am in Grade 5, my study is not very good, but I like English, so my English is better than others. I like singing, drawing, playing basketball. I like to read English story books in my free time. Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the English study materials. Because it also enlarges my vocabulary words. I think one day I can master English. Thank you.


Hello, my name is Leo. I'm from. Zhengxin school. As you can see I have a round face and the big eyes. I like music very much. In my spare time, I like take some reading and go shopping. It can make me feel happy. I like chatting with others, because it can help me to know this world. I have lots of friends. All the things in the world are colorful. I love peace and I take proud of my motherland. Thank you!

您好,我的名字叫力欧,我来自正心学校,正如你看到的一样 ,我的脸很圆,眼睛也很大,我喜欢音乐,


I'm a primary scholar! My name is Liyuanyuan, I'm in class3 grade3. Sometimes, I like swimming with my father, my favorite sports is basketball, because it can keep health I think I'm very voluble and friendly! I want to make friends with everybody! Thanks a lot!



hello, everyone, it's my honor to stand here introducing myself.

大家好, 很高兴有机会在这里介绍我自己。

My name is Leo, from Class 2, Grade six Zhengxin Primary School.


I'm doing well in my study, besides I'm the monitor of my class and I get on well with my classmates.


I'm a happy and talented boy. I'm good at drawing and many of my drawings have won prizes. At the same time, I like telling stories.


I'm interested in learning English very much, and I believe that I will do well in the future. I won't let you down!


Thanks for your listening.












自豪去拥抱21世纪的灿烂辉。                    □师资 □报名

作文八:《狂 欢 节》400字

狂 欢 节

云县爱华完小三(6)班   周东梅  指导教师  马坤 在我的家乡云县,每年的元宵节就是我们这里最热闹的啤酒狂欢节。





Growing Pains 218 Carnival  218_33 游乐会(狂欢节)


shaky  adj.虚弱的, 颤抖的, 不安的, 不可靠的, 震动的, 摇晃的, 动摇的 2

slip  vt.使滑动, 滑过, 摆脱, 闪开, 塞入;忘记;遗漏;未被注意 3

fudge  n.梦话, 胡话, 纸中另版插印记事;软糖:一种柔软、甜腻的糖。由糖、牛奶、奶油和香料制成 4

browny  adj.呈褐色的, 棕色的 5

stylish  adj.时髦的, 漂亮的, 流行的 6

bobbed  adj.剪短的, 成束的 7

over my dead body

除非我死了(表示强烈反对) 8

throttle  v.扼杀 9

off base  adv.冷不防地 adj.大错特错的 10

soaking  adj.湿透的

soak  v.浸, 泡, 浸透;泡澡  n.浸透 11

prune  v.剪除;删除修改

【俚语】作出厌恶的表情:作出一种显示怒气或厌恶的面部表情: “Their faces prune at the slightest provocation”(James Wolcott) “稍稍一激,他们的脸上就阴云密布” 12

patronize  v.资助;屈尊 13

buff  n.浅黄色,  v.软皮用软皮擦亮:用软材料上光或擦亮 14

massage  n.按摩 v.按摩 15

show off v.炫耀, 卖弄, 使显眼 16

whip up  v.鞭打【非正式用语】 迅速准备好: whip up a light lunch. 迅速做好一顿轻便午餐 17

batch  n.(面包等)一炉, 一批 18

luscious  adj.甘美的 19

tantalizing [] adj.非常着急的 20

succulent  []adj.多汁的, 多水分的, 多汁性的 n.肉质植物, 多汁植物   dessert  [] n.餐后甜点 desert  n.沙漠, 应得的赏罚, 功过 21

rump  n.尾部, 臀部, 残余;牛臀肉 22

marinade  [] n.腌泡汁;卤汁 vt.腌泡 23

adore  v.崇拜, 爱慕, (口语)喜爱 24

adjourn  vi.延期, 休会, 换另一 个地方 vt.使中止, 推迟 25

be off the hook 摆脱危险;脱离困境 26

housekeeping  n.家务管理 27

supreme  adj.极度的, 极大的, 至高的, 最高的

supreme court 最高法院

28 anal [] adj.肛门的, 近肛门的

retentive [] adj.保持的;记忆力强的,记性好的

a retentive memory


29 client  n.[计]顾客, 客户, 委托人

30 fry  电刑:在电椅上受极刑

31 lance [] n. 标枪, 长矛, 矛状器具, 捕鲸枪

v. 切开

32 auction  n.拍卖


33 busted  破产了的, 失败了的, 被降级的

bust n. 半身像, 胸像, (妇女的)胸部 v.劈裂,击碎,破坏

bust off 34 aficionado  n.狂热爱好者, 迷

35 riot  n.暴乱, 骚动, (植物, 疾病等)蔓延, 放荡, 暴动

36 booth n.货摊, 售货亭, 棚

37 spray  n.喷雾, 飞沫 vt.喷射, 喷溅

38 gal  n.女孩(=girl), 少女

39 blatant  adj.喧嚣的, 俗丽的, 吵闹的, 炫耀的

aggrandizement  n.增大, 强化, 扩大

40 cameo  n.刻有浮雕的宝石或贝壳

41 bid for   许诺以获支持,投标 opening bid 起价

42 brazier  n.火盆, 黄铜匠

43 coupon  n.息票, 商家的优待券


Dear Sir/Madam:

It is really a great honor to introduce myself. I hope I can give you a deep impression and eventually get a chance to enter The Sino-British College.

Now I will introduce myself briefly. My name is Chengyang Dai, and my English name is James. I am 19 years old, born in Nanjing, Jiangsu, and I am currently a senior student at Nanjing No.1 High School. In the past 3 years, I spend most of my time on studying high school subjects. But in 2011, I got a chance and t to the USA for as an exchange student. I spent 1 year in the US and I experienced a lot in that year which this special memory will store in my mind forever and I am sure this would help me for seeking jobs in the future.

Presently I am still a senior student. I learned large numbers and qualities of knowledge in the past 4 years. I am a very responsible person and love to help other people. There are two sides to everything, everyone has weaknesses, including myself, but I would try my best to change myself to be a better person. I am optimistic and confident. Sometimes I prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but I am not lonely, I like to chat with my classmates and friends. And also, basketball is my favorite. I love all kinds of things related with basketball. Through high school life, I learned how to balance between study and entertainment.

Although I am in the senior year of high school, I already thought what I should do in the future. I am very interested in starting my own business because of in the currently situation of the high-speed developing society, starting a business is a very meaningful thing to me that I can keep the pace with the society and learn more about financial.

The reason why I would like to study in The Sino-British College is I believe this school can give me an opportunity to study the advanced knowledge of business, especially when I held about I would have chance to study in the famous and fantastic university in the UK.

Martin Luther King once said: “I have a dream”. Using this sentence is the best way to illustrate my present situation. If I had a chance to attend The Sino-British College, I would study harder and try my best to achieve my acplishments.

Yours sincerely