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冬天雪 [《[优秀雪,冬天的小使者》400字]

时间:2019-11-05 09:26:46 来源:学生联盟网








假如我只有三天光明假如我只有三天光明, 我会坐在装满知识的 “殿堂” 里聚精会神、 认认真真地学着如何计算小数乘法和除法, 如何做种子发芽并健康地 成长;如何写出优秀并且字数达到要求的作文。 假如我只有三天光明,我会到一望无垠的田野里,遍地是小螺号 的沙滩上,和长着高大的树木的森林里,幽静的山谷里,山峰上„„ 去欣赏那些美丽的风景,有时还攀登到山的顶峰去观赏。每当到下一 个景点时我就会说: “大自然,我再也见不到你的这些美丽的风景了, 再见吧!我的美丽的无法用语言夸赞的最好的朋友。 ” 假如我只有三天光明,我会感谢我的老师们像正在燃烧的蜡烛, 蜡油却一滴滴地滴在小蜡烛身上,经过几小时努力,小蜡烛变成了一 个巨大的蜡烛,但另一支蜡烛却不见了。 假如我只有三天光明, 我会感谢父母对我的养育之恩, 报答父母, 帮父母干家务活儿。 哎! 如果人们都能把自己生活中的每一天都看作是自己生命中的 最后一天,人们才知道时间的宝贵,才会珍惜时间。






首先,得“以身作则”,做好垃圾时时捡、垃圾分类放和宣传环保!   然后,要当一次清洁工,我就当过,早上刚一起床,就出去当清洁工,一出门塑料袋满天飞,捡吧!

满大街的袋子,还是找人帮帮忙吧!我找来了3个小伙伴应该够了!   我们拼命的捡,但怎么也捡不完,小明眼睛“骨碌”一转说:“这治根不治本!”讥笑了一下“你捡他扔,你再捡他再扔,根本捡不完,不如——我们在这里守着,看到有人丢就叫他捡起来!”


果真,经过我们的劝解,终于,这一条大街变得干干净净的了!   最后“文明用语”要记牢:您好、请、谢谢、对不起、再见。













一、 做客,做到行之有礼


(二).那你们知道到别人家做客之前要做哪些准备吗?(播放课件) 学生回答,教师评价总结

预约  应约  服装仪表


学习完做客前的准备,你们知道做客时又有哪些礼仪吗? 做客时礼仪要求:













9、告别时的礼仪:告别时要向主人道谢;出      门后,要请主人留步,然后挥手道别。
















四(2)班  娜








附件 1


姓名 年龄 所在学校 所在班级 王彦朝 9岁 性别 民族 男 汉

照 片

济源市承留实验小学 二(1)班



主要事迹(按条陈述,限600字以内) 我叫王彦朝, 步入一年级时, 老师看我长得胖胖的、 壮壮的, 就让我当班长,管理教室卫生。一年级的学生很调皮,卫生习惯 也不好,每天我带领同学们打扫卫生时,大家都不听我的命令, 每次看到其他班得到流动小红旗的时候,我会很伤心。总觉得是 自己没做好,才使得班级落后了。后来老师就教我怎样当班长, 遇到问题时,老师还给我出谋划策,在老师的帮助下,我一点点 树立了威信,现在大家都亲切地称我“老班” 。 作为卫生班长,每天管理的事务很琐碎。当看见有人随地吐 痰时,我会跑上去制止他,并让他清理掉地上的痰。当看到校园 里有纸片时,我会飞快地跑过去捡起来。当下课铃声响时,我会 第一个提醒大家整理卫生。当大家排着队伍离开教室,准备做广 播体操时,我总是最后一个离开,把教室检查一下:桌子摆齐了 吗?地面干净了吗?电灯关了吗?风扇还转吗?垃圾箱满了 吗?…… 习惯成自然, 现在在我的带领下, 班级的卫生状况越来越好。

同学们也都养成了随手捡纸屑、随手关灯、节约用水的好习惯。 “学校是我家,环保靠大家。 ”这是老师常说的一句话。我一定 谨记老师的话,像爱护自己的家园一样,爱护我们的班级,爱护 我们的学校。我坚信:我和我们班的同学一定可以自己的双手, 把我们的学校打扮的更加漂亮!




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附件 2


姓名 年龄 所在学校 所在班级 刘子欣 9岁 性别 民族 女 汉

照 片

济源市承留实验小学 二(1)班



主要事迹(按条陈述,限600字以内) 刘子欣同学是我们班的学习委员,在班级里礼让同学,乐于 助人,关心集体,在学校是老师的好助手,在班级是同学们的好 朋友,在家里是父母的好孩子。 作为一名班干部,刘子欣同学处处以身作则,为同学们树立 了榜样,从不迟到、早退。上学见到老师时,会说上一声“老师 好” ;见到同学时,也会说上一声“早” 。当别人帮助了她,她会 有礼貌地道声谢。 她不会和同学打打闹闹, 不会在课间大声喧哗, 影响他人。上课时她认真听讲,勇于回答问题。课后能自觉地完 成作业,她的字写得又快又好,看她的作业是一种享受。由于努 力,她的成绩总是十分优秀。 作为同学们的知心人,刘子欣同学团结同学,热心助人。只 要有困难,同学们就会去找她,她都会伸出热情之手竭尽全力地 帮助他们,从不推辞拒绝。但是如果个别同学有不文明的行为, 违规的事情,她都会及时进行劝阻。每当有什么脏、累的活儿, 冲在最前面的总有她的身影, 老师不在的时候她也总能发挥自己

的组织能力,带领同学们把教室打扫得干干净净,让老师放心她 所带领的黑板报小组,总能齐心协力,出版的黑板报也经常名列 前茅。 在班级,刘子欣同学是个优秀的“小天使” ,在家,她同样 是个自立的好孩子。能主动帮助爸爸妈妈做力所能及的家务事, 能有礼貌地招待客人,坚持自己的事情自己做。由于刘子欣同学 表现出色,所以连年被学校评为“三好学生” ,成了同学们的楷 模。




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姓名 年龄 所在学校 所在班级 常佳琪 9岁 性别 民族 女 汉

照 片

济源市承留实验小学 二(1)班 班主任姓名 聂毛利

主要事迹(按条陈述,限600字以内) 说起常佳琪同学,人人都夸她是个乖孩子。在村子里, 她遇见年长的,都会主动说声“您好” !邻居们都喜欢和她 逗乐。在学校,她尊敬老师,团结同学,积极主动为班级和 学校做事,受到师生的好评。她就像一个文明礼貌的阳光小 天使,在文明城里自在地飞翔。 常佳琪同学在老师和家长的教育下,从小就养成了文明 礼貌的好习惯。 无论在哪里, 她都彬彬有礼待人, 笑容可掬。 一次周末,爸爸带常佳琪同学去城里玩。爸爸一上车就替她 找了个好位置,她十分高兴。正当她脸上还荡漾着幸福、灿 烂的笑容时,上来一位老爷爷,旁边还有跟着一位小孙子。 小孙子个头矮够不着,老爷爷年年纪大站不稳,祖孙俩个摇 摇晃晃的样子,佳琪脸上的笑容一下子凝固了。她正想立马 站起身给爷孙俩让座时, 突然, 一位骑三轮车的人横穿公路, 巴士司机紧急刹车,佳琪同学的头一下子随贯性撞在前方挡

风玻璃上, “啊”的一声,当场就肿起一个包,泪水充盈了 双眼。可她忍着疼,没有让眼泪流出来,一边用一只手按住 疼处,一边还没忘记用另一只手扶住老爷爷的手说: “老爷 爷,您请坐! ” 。这一幕都让在场的所有人感动,坐在佳琪位 置边上的一个年轻人,也赶快让出自己的位置给随老爷爷上 车的小朋友。老爷爷落座后,感激地拉过常佳琪,要让出一 半位置来给她坐。佳琪却说: “谢谢老爷爷,您坐好了,不 然也会像我一样啦! ” ,边说边指了指自己的头,一句话又把 大家逗乐了。这时,常佳琪含着泪光的脸上又绽开了笑容, 都说“眼睛是心灵的窗户” ,您从常佳琪的眼中,一眼 就能感受到她那善良纯洁、文明礼貌的眼光。




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第一部分:  听力(共三节, 满分20分)

第一节(共5个小题, 每小题1分,共5分)


1. What is Mike doing now?


B.    C.

2. What animal do they like?

A.   B.

3. How does Frank usually go to school?



4. What can the boy do?

B. C.



5. What did Mr. Black do last weekend?








6. What time does Jane usually get up?

A. At 6:00.    B. At 6:30.     C. 7:30.

7. What club does Cindy want to join?

A. Music club.    B. Swimming club.    C. English club.

8. What does the girl have to do?

A. She can’t meet friends.             B. She has to make breakfast.

C. She has to clean her room.

9. Where are they?

A. In the restaurant.     B. In the library.      C. In the hospital.

10. Why do the people eat long noodles on their birthday?

A. Because it is a symbol of good life.  B. Because it is a symbol of long life.

C. Because they bring good luck to us.



C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第一段材料, 回答11


11. What does Miss Green look like?

A. She is tall and thin.  B. She has long curly brown hair.  C. She is strict with the


12. What does the girl think of Mr. Brown?

A. He has a big nose.    B. He wears glasses.     C. He is cool and fun.

13. What does Mr. Brown teach?

A. Art.    B. Music.       C. English.


14. What are they doing?

A. They are talking in the cinema.   B. They are talking in the same room.

C. They are talking on the phone.

15. What’s the weather like in Suining? A. It’s sunny.     B. It’s rainy.     It’s cold.

16. What does Mary want to do? A. She wants to say ―happy birthday‖ to her aunt.

B. She wants to read Chinese history.

C. She wants to have a school trip.

17. What did Sam do yesterday?

A. He visited a museum.    B. He visited a farm.    C. He picked strawberries.


18. Where does Mrs. Lee live?

A. She lives in the Bank of China.

B. She lives in the school.

C. She lives on Center Street.

19. Where is the bridge?

A. It’s in front of the bank.   B. It’s behind the school.

C. It’s across from Mrs. Lee’s home.

20. How long does it take John to get to Mrs. Lee’s home?

A. About 5 minutes.    B. About 10minutes.     C. About 15 minutes.



1. She has short curly hair but her sister has long s__________ hair.

. You must wash them.

3. Chinese people like to eat d______on New Year’s Eve to wele the New Year.

4. It’s 6;30 a.m. It’s time to get up and b_____ your teeth.

5. Before you c________ the street, you need to look right and left

6. My house is on a________ (安静的)street.

7. There is no________ (桥) over the river.

8.We have shows about ______(不同的) festivals around the world. It’s interesting.

9. As a student, you must________ (遵守) the school rules.

10. Jeff is of medium________ ( 身高) with a pair of glasses. He looks very cool.


blow out,   across from,  take a message,  go to the movies,  e true

11.If you study hard,your dream will ________.

12.Look! She  ________ the candles.

13.There is a hospital   the hotel.

14.He always with me on Sunday evening.

15.Hello ! Tony is not at home. Can I for him?

II.单选(25分)                                                                    ( )1. let’s go and play ____ ping-pong. I don’t want to play ____ guitar.

A. a, the   B. the, a    C. / , the      D. the, /

( )2.—How does your sister get to school?

---she gets to school_______.

A. takes a bus   B. take a bus   C. by a bus  D. by bus

( )3. Please     late for school.

A. isn’t   B. aren’t   C. don’t be      D. not be

( )4. Is there a pay phone ________the neighborhood?

A.in      B.on       C.to       D.off

( )5. --___________bowel of would you like?  --A small one ,please

A.What kind of      B.What size    C. How many    D.How much

(  ) 6. Go ______ the street and then turn right ______ Bridge Street.

A. along; on      B. down; at       C. straight; on    D. to; along

( )7. Mary is     girl, but she knows a lot about science.

A. a eight-year-old          B. eight-year-old

C. eight years old           D. an eight-year-old

( )8. Would you like      soccer with us ?Sure. I like      soccer very much.

A. to play, playing  B. playing, play  C. to play, play   D. playing, playing

( )9. There _____ some beef, tomatoes and broccoli in the basket.

A. be       B. is              C. are

(  )10. I always help my sister _________ her history.

A. with                           B. of        C. for                              D. in

(  ) 11. Amy, ______ the noodles(面条) taste ______?

A. do; well           B. do; good       C. are; well         D. are; good

(  ) 12. My brother practices ______ every Sunday.

A. to swim           B. swimming       C. swims        D. swim

(  )13. Tom often _____ TV on Saturday evenings, but now he is _____ stories.

A. watches; reading               B. watching; reads

C. looks; reading                 D. watches; looking

(  )14. — Would you like to e to my birthday party?


A. Yes, I’d love to.      B. No, I don’t like.    C. Quiet well   D. Sure, that's right( )16.Mr Lu is the man ________ long hair.

A. with         B. and        C. has       D. for

(  ) 17. ----Is your friend quiet?----No, he never stops __________.

A. talk    B talking    C. to talk    D. Talks

(  ) 18. — Excuse me, Linda. Is there ________ beef in the soup?

---No, there isn’t. But there is ________ mutton in it.

A. any; some  B. some; some  C. any; any  D. some; any

(  )  19..----Would you like something to eat?

----_____ . I’m not hungry.

A. I’d like it      B. I would       C. Yes, thanks    D. No, thanks

(  ) 20.Alice spends too much time _______puter games.

A.play   B.plays   C.to play   D.playing

(  ) 21. ---Would you like something to drink?

---Yes, some_____ please.

A. pancake      B. potato     C. noodles      D. Tea

(  ) 22. Tigers are strong animals. They can run _______.

A. quick        B. quickly       C. slow          D. Slowly

(  )23. —She sings very ______. She wants to join you.   —Sounds ______.

A. well; good    B. well; well    C. good; well   D.good; good

(  ) 24. ________ you ______ the window? Yes, I am.

A. Do, clean    B. Is, cleaning     C. Do, cleaning     D. Are, cleaning

(  ) 25. --- How is it ________? --- It’s not bad.

A. go           B. going          C. goes           D. is



________  ________ the girl look like?

2. You can’t be late for class. (改为祈使句)

________ ________ late for class.

3. How’s the weather in your village?  (改为同义句)

________ the weather ________ in your village?

4. Are you having a good time at the party?  (改为同义句)

Are you ________ ________ at the party?

5. Do you often swim on Sundays? ( 用now改写句子)

________ you ________ now ?


What ______ Tony ______ ______?

7. 我家在一条喧闹的大街上。

My house is ______a noisy ________.

8. 请在第一个十字路口处向右拐。

Please ________  ________ at the first _________.


You _____ to ______a bus to school.


I’m Li Lei. I have a good friend. His name is John. He is from Australia. It is Sunday today. He gets up at half past five. And then he starts to play sports at six o’clock. After breakfast, he does his homework from nine o’clock to eleven o’clock.

In the afternoon, John goes to the zoo with his father. They see lots of animals there – lions, tigers, elephants, dolphins, pandas and many more. John likes pandas very much, because he thinks they are very cool. His father likes them, too.

In the evening, John watches Animal World on TV at a quarter past eight. He thinks this TV show is great fun. Sometimes it tells people how to protect(保护)the animals.

(    )1. John is an Australian boy.

(    )2. John starts to play sports at 6:30 in the morning.

(    )3. Li Lei goes to the zoo with his father today.

(    )4. The father also likes pandas very much.

(    )5. John thinks that the TV show is useful(有用处的) to people.


A. Jack.     B. Jane.      C. we don’t know.

(    )7. What does the lost boy look like?

My house is ______a noisy ________.

8. 请在第一个十字路口处向右拐。

Please ________  ________ at the first _________.


You _____ to ______a bus to school.


I’m Li Lei. I have a good friend. His name is John. He is from Australia. It is Sunday today. He gets up at half past five. And then he starts to play sports at six o’clock. After breakfast, he does his homework from nine o’clock to eleven o’clock.

In the afternoon, John goes to the zoo with his father. They see lots of animals

there – lions, tigers, elephants, dolphins, pandas and many more. John likes pandas very much, because he thinks they are very cool. His father likes them, too.

In the evening, John watches Animal World on TV at a quarter past eight. He

thinks this TV show is great fun. Sometimes it tells people how to protect(保护)the animals.

(    )1. John is an Australian boy.

(    )2. John starts to play sports at 6:30 in the morning.

(    )3. Li Lei goes to the zoo with his father today.

(    )4. The father also likes pandas very much.

(    )5. John thinks that the TV show is useful(有用处的) to people.


A. Jack.     B. Jane.      C. we don’t know.

(    )7. What does the lost boy look like?

A. He is tall with yellow hair.  B. He has short yellow hair.   C. He wears      brown shirt and blue pants.

(    )8. When can you have lunch at Good Food Restaurant?

A. At 11:30am.    B. At 12:30am.     C. At 6:30.

(    )9. What do you have to do after eating in Good Food Restaurant?

A. You can go now.  B. You take the food away.    C. You have to pay money.

(    )10. Where can you see the order?

A. In the fast food restaurant.     B. In the music books.   C. In the newspaper.  V、补全对话: (10分)


T: What are your favorite sports?       S: Well, .

T: Now, tell me what you like to eat?    any meat.          T:                          S: Oh, yes, I love vegetables.                     T: Do you drink wine(酒)?         .                   S: I drink a lot of milk. It’s very good for my health.

B)阅读对话根据上下文从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话。(共5分每小题1分) A: Hey, Ben! How’s your new school?

B: It’s terrible. (6) ________.

A: Yeah? What rules? Do you have to wear the school uniform?

B: (7) ________.

A: Oh. Can you go home for lunch?

B: (8) __________.A: What subjects do you have to learn?

B: Math, science, history, geography and Chinese. (9) ___________. It’s OK, but I want to learn Japanese, too.

A: You can’t?


I、完形填空:请先阅读下面短文,然后根据文章内容选出最佳选项。(共10分)      Hi! I’m Tony. I love weekends! I always get up late on weekends. For breakfast, I only It’s usually an apple. I have a big lunch. After lunch, I like to eat swim. In the evening, I clean the house  —

about 23:00.

my sister doesn’t like weekends. She has a job in a big store and she weekends. She never goes friends. She usually gets home don’t ask her睡着) after reading one or two pages (页).

(  ) 1. A. eggs          B. milk          C. vegetables       D. fruit

(  ) 2. A. good         B. wele     C. useful            D. happy

(  ) 3. A. sing           B. draw         C. exercise         D. read

(  ) 4. A. Only         B. Always       C. Really           D. Sometimes

(  ) 5. A. tidy          B. busy          C. small                D. old

(  ) 6. A. And           B. So             C. But                   D. Because

(  ) 7. A. writes        B. works        C. calls                   D. plays

(  ) 8. A. about         B. from         C. of                      D. with

(  ) 9. A. gets dressed   B. goes to work  C. goes to bed          D. does sports

(  )10. A. when             B. what         C. who               D. Where II.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)

Hello, my name is Peter. I study at a school in the UK. School days usually begin at 9 a.m. in the UK. So I usually go to school at 8.45 a.m. School is over(结束) at 3:30 p.m. So I have enough time to go to clubs.

I’m good at all my lessons. But my favorite lesson is Cooking. All my teachers are very friendly and helpful. I never go home for lunch, I have lunch at school with my classmates. After lunch, we often go to the school field. Sometimes we play ball games, sometimes we just sit under the trees, reading or chatting. Sometimes we also go to the Computer Center to listen to music or send e-mails(邮件) to our friends.     I like my school and have a wonderful time at school every day.

(   )1. Schools in the UK usually start at ____________.

A. 8.45 a.m.       B. 9 a.m.   C. 3.30 p.m.     D. 8.30 a.m.

(   )2. —How are Peter’s teachers?

—They’re all very ______.

A. friendly and helpful   B. beautiful  C. polite          D. busy

(   )3. —How often does Peter go home for lunch?

—      A. Seldom       B. always   C. Every day     D. Never

(   )4. After lunch, the students can ________.

A. listen to music      B. write e-mails   C. play ball games  D. A, B and C

(   )5. Which one isn’t TRUE?

A. School is over at 3:30 p.m. in the UK.

B. Peter is good at all his lessons.

C. Peter has no time to go to clubs every day.

D. Peter has a wonderful time at school.

Two men are walking in the park. One is Mr. Brown , a worker, the other is Mr. Black. Mr. Brown is going to a chair. It is beside the road. Mr. Black is after him. Mr. Brown finds Mr. Black. Now Mr. Black begins to walk faster(更快). Because he wants to get to the chair before Mr. Black. Now Mr. Black begins to walk faster because he also wants to get to the chair first. Then they both run .Mr. Black runs faster than (比) Mr. Brown. So he gets to the chair first and sits down on it. Mr.

Brown runs after Mr. Black. When he gets to the chair. He sees Mr. Black sitting on it. He is sorry to show a notice(通知)with the words "Wet Paint(油漆未干)"to Mr. Black . Now Mr. Black knows why Mr. Brown is going to the chair.

(   )6. Where are Mr. Brown and Mr. Black?

A.In the garden     B.On the chair   C.In the park    D.Beside the road

(   )7.What are they doing? They are________

A.talking          B.walking to the chair

C.holding a notice   D.sitting on a chair

(   )8._________is after _________at first

A. Mr. Black , Mr. Brown     B. The worker, Mr. Brown

C. Mr. Brown , Mr. Black     D. Mr. Brown The worker

(   )9.________get to chair first.

A.The worker    B.Mr. Brown

C.Mr. Black     D.A strange(陌生人)

(   )10.Mr. Brown goes to the chair because__________.

A.he wants to sit there          B.it is his chair

C.he wants to talk to Mr. Black on the chair

D.he wants to tell people "Wet Paint"

III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)

1. It’s 8:30 p.m. now. My parents __________________(watch) TV.

2. _______________(not talk) in class, please!

3. Would you like __________ (go) fishing with me?

4.They do ________(they) homework at 8:00 in the evening.

5.Alice usually ________(wear) a red hat.

6.The small dog only has three ________(tooth).

7.The children enjoy _______(play)soccer after class.

8.I spend much time _______(speak) English every morning,

9.I can find the hotel ________(easy).

10.I love to watch monkeys _______(climb) trees.


以My pen pal(我的笔友)为题写一篇60个字左右的小短文         姓名 Lisa 年龄 13

籍贯 美国 纽约 (New York)

学校 No. 3 Middle School

外貌 金黄色长卷发, 中等身材,有点胖

爱好 喜欢穿蓝色衣服,喜欢读书,下棋,游泳

性格 友好 和善