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时间:2021-10-27 13:54:51 来源:学生联盟网

广东省广州市天河区2019届九年级综合测试(一模)英语试卷【含答案及解析】姓名班级分数题号-二二总分得分、完形填空1.A game of catch is simply two people throwi ng a ball back and forth(来回地).It seems a little and many people may not be in terested in it.The two people are close eno ugh to talk,but too far to touch.They might have baseball gloves,or they might use their han ds.In fact,playi ng catch is part of practice to make you get usedto using a ball and glove.But any American kid will teach you it s much morethan that.Play ing catch is a time for kids to with your father.It s a time whe n there s to worry about except catchi ng a ball.It s a time when words move asseamlessly(准确不误地)as the ball itself,back and forth,easy and relax in g.It s an excuse to timetogether.Because baseball is an America n sport,and a big part of being America n,play ing catch is kind of an all-America n dad activity .In the suburbs(郊区),most people have backyards not eno ugh to play baseball in,but just big eno ugh for a game of catch.Those who have nocan playin the street or in the park.Whe n adults are asked to talk about the goodof their dads,many ofthem will say something about playing catch.Why Probably because dads are usually very .A catch game is a time that is only for one thing.Thisis a time whe n a kid has her dads .There is no work,no phone andno other people around to take your dad away from you.For the time that it takes to play a game of catch,your dad is all yours.1.A.in teresti ng B.bori ngC.amaz ingD.excit ing2.A.basketball B.baseball C.football D.volleyball3.A.fight B.compare C.have D.be4.A.no thi ngB.somethi ngC.everythi ng D.any thi ng5.A.waste B.save C.spe ndD.forget96a写乙 v乙人Ed eq pinoqs ipnuj moh un u eoeuj”h 。屮 oj dn peuOis ohjeqiueuj pjeg uoissevd b si 。屮引 s ujo丄乙oip心s jo senpojd eq; anpoj;ui a S9AI| no U 90U9J9JJIP B 9BLU Q gunLuujoo o屮 ui uejpiiqo d|eq g 3|A;S3ji| Aq;|B9q e 96bjnooue v-0 si ;U9A9 eq; jo esodnd oq丄jTEuj m umr *9JJ-uiD|l9TrBOTO6un j对|lmgt of 中i *X unH lk3|ij 毎Dd uo u-otjf uj-joiui 鼻qiu idj 写1MJ AM氛| 旧衲E Ujl 阿IMMI缎 ||MlUliM 网 |V r HUJ03HM -MJ rim B KF P*1F| u|un|i3ft t 上 pf翔4 q ||im 知ujH fiMvuru 詁屮 |fV EaHpieng jo uud 忡 uaiiuuiid 科r g i*uu 和 i*O|*q | 骨 右Ij 泪*口 乂工寸.NmW|MI碎阿 y |RVir5iSFwi*g i 辰*uHuni严9 ueq孕科些和川3SWSSfcP*SfipVEWiA ig|PF 片 映呼加獅kiF*ysiKiriE w*nHEM v iMdWtlft Hr|j 肿内 lJ洲/粋丘7黔“斗“ hhi3fUjM|qaEiwitjn” Il 比7dirfr 沖 PUiuokj 吕 蟲|曲0 uuiip 叭屮Mp n 沏iwyf c juu mt-加址亠归wi p iq f科 WTTFIj -Pi4u| ptfpjjfclilini q An*M u .i,mi 评 RunnuuhF hil ui HAjpm Jtp yL-lxt 也暫i目 aki芒 W rt UJ|14B dfl 丄 h Kqiw_ill jj IUjJBkJ 叶 二U吗 JkHitalHnsyjqp 叩Ihfll導 C eonpo9 |U9LU9A9qoeasqof v8spueuj aspjeA9Aeuoiua2 VLApr aUB9|0996JB|alieujs v945.D.50.3.From the poster,we can know something about the event EXCEPT .A.the place B.thetime C.the costD.the sponsor4.From the Notes ,we can know that .A.we can get further ination by making a callB.we can take part in the items in June every dayC.everybody can work as a volunteer in the eventD.the items will be held under any kind of weather5.Which of the following about the activity is TRUEA.Participants must have a PAssion card or POSB credit card.B.Women and children can only take part in the Family Walk.C.People s Association is one of the organizers of the event.D.Children are not allowed to take part in the events.第 1 题【答案】l.B2.B3.D4.A5.C6.B7.C那些啓有院子的人可吗在街上或公园聖耍。A.lime名词,时间,B.m。名词,金钱J C.yards名词,院子;D friends名词,朋右。根 1S前文In the suburbs,most people have backyards “可知是“院子”的含义q故选;C.第2题【答案】l.E2”C3.4.A【解析】廟堂析匚这曇一剪匚告5介智工邮熬悄量理徒百胜儿童活动的情况,叙述了什么人可以參加这项运动 ,盪有运动顶岂締运动舸间厲器式塞X细节理解题.根掳短文中的句子血 PassiQia kids Fzd aims to uppQxt the cLiildzen In tke coiyiunity thxQUgh dierent progrniiiesB 可知这项活动的目的是帮助社区的核子。故答案为臥2*C细节歆薯黒乎格中鈕磴暑lOkin Men,s cpenlJS.1June to 31__,uly 2016T Passion Cerd需豐靈量劈3据表格中的信息可知海报中提供了此项活动侧间费用淞赞助商,没有提到4;歴田节理蟀题。根將文中细Kids 2016please contact encLiir i e srun ox k id.sfl coiiBivMC电 第at; es- t For mor e inf ornia tLcinon FOSB PAs Sion Run f orO的 七多 即更 10到,得q工 email us at 口故答案为応匚细节刮断题。根將第一卜表格中的信息三Ciizer可以查到人民协会罡事件的组织者之一故 答秦C正确。