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时间:2021-10-27 00:22:38 来源:学生联盟网

写好长句的技巧11FA基础写作要求考生用5句话表达全部内 容,因为一篇基础写作题中通常有七八个 信息点,要用五个句子表达出来,就是需 要考生能写好长句。长旬的手段一般包括 使用从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从 句、同位语从句、定语从句、状语从句)、介词短语、同位语、非谓语动词、插入语 等。这里着重练习介绍人物、节日及建筑 物的长句写法。经典例题A用一句话表达下列信息点。姓名李明职务班长 外貌特征个子高性格特点很活跃 在介绍人物的身份、外貌和性格特征等时可用以下方法方法1同位语Li Ming,who is a tall,healthy and active boy,is our monitor.Li Ming,monitor of our class,is tall,healthy and active.方法2定语从句Li Ming,who is tall、healthy and ac力”匕 is our monitor.方法3 with介词短语表示伴随状况Li Ming,our monitor,is a student with a strong body and an active mind.即学即用A 1用一个句子介绍以下人物。(三种表达)姓名陈燮霞;职业女子举重运动员;身高150cm;体重47.5kg;出生日期1983年1月8 日;出生地点广东省广州市。方法同位语定语(定语从句或短语)Chen Xiexia,a female weight-lifter who was bornon January 8th.1983inGuangzhou City,Guansdons Province,is150cm tall and weighs47.5 kg.方法2过去分词短语开头;with介词短语Bom on January 8th,1983 in Guangzhou City,Guangdong Provide匕 Chen Xiexia is a female weight-lifter with a height of 150 cm and a weight of 475 kg方法3 as介词短语As a famous weight-lifter in China- Chen Xiexia was born on January 8th,1983 in Guangzhou City,Guangdong Province,and is 150 cm in height and 475 kg in weight.A2用一个句子介绍以下地点。(三种表达)古迹名称云冈石窟;地点位置山西省 方法同位语定语(定语从句或短语)大同市;始建时间 的艺来瑰宝。北魏时期;评价举世闻名The Yungang Caves,one of the most valuable cultural relics in the world built in the NoYthem Wed 凹血级 are located in Datong,Shanxi Province方法2过去分词短语开头Located in Datong、Shanjci Province,the Yungang Caves date from the Northern Wei Dynasty and is regarded as one of the most valuable cultural relics in the world.方法3 as介词短语As a world-famous; cultural relic- the Yungang Caves which are located in Datong,Shanxi Province,can date back to the Northern Wei Dynasty.A3用一个句子介绍以下节日。(三种表达)名称清明节;性质中国传统节日;目 的纪念祖先;日期每年四月五日前后。方法1同位语定语定语从句或短语Qingming Festival,a traditional festival which is in honour of our ancegtors、falls on April 4th or 5th every year方法2过去分词短语开头Regarded as one of the mo important Chinese traditional fest祁als、Qingming Festival takes place on somewhere around April 5th every year 方法3 as介词短语As a traditional festival which is in honour of our ancestorg、Qingming Festival falls on April 4th or 5th every yearA4分析信息点之间的逻辑关系,请分别用一个句子表达以下各组信息。

  (1)(陈燮霞)2007年首次参加世界锦标赛,夺得女子48公斤级三项冠军。(时间)taking part in the Championship for the first time,she won a total of three championships for the womens 48 kg class weight-lifting competition.2随着经济的发展,更多家庭拥有私家车,造 成严重的交通问题和环境污染。伴随或结果 With the development of the economy- an increasing number of families have bought private cars,thus leading to serious air traffic problems and more serious air pollution.3这项活动得到全国人民的支持,取得巨大成功O 结果 The campaign has gained much support all over the country,which makes it a real success.4倡议人们放弃私家车,选用公共汽车、自行 车或步行方式。对比 People are encouraged to take public transport ,ride bicycles or walk instead of drivingprivate cars.5尽管工作繁忙,人们在清明节还是会带些花扫墓祭祖。转折 Despite the fact that people are busy working.they will clean their ancestors9 graves and decorate them with some flowers.(话题青少年参加电视才艺表演)赞同丰富社会经验。增强自信。(结果)Some think that it is a stage to show their talents for art,contributing much to their socialexperience and self-confideng (7)(话题青少年参加电视才艺表演)不赞同模仿多创新少。(对比)However,other students hold the different idea that the teenagers are just imitating others rather than showing something original.结语产时每一次的写作练习就每次写作的内容下次再现的可能性 不大,但同类的内容以及同样的逻辑却篇 篇皆有,找到这个共性,进行针对性的归 纳整理,那么,不仅能帮助巩固我们前段时间的学习,还 能促使我们进一步提高,拿下基础写作,则指日可待。5.基础写作噪蠶介绍一位优 姓名李敏 职务班长 外貌特征个子高 性格特点很活跃 身体状况良好【写作内容】请以“Li Ming An ExcellentStudent95 为题,介绍李敏。学习成绩优秀兴趣爱好喜欢体育,能歌善舞英语学习1她刚进校时,遇到不少困难; 2不怕苦,不怕难,努力把英语学好。品行评价严于律己,乐于助人,是大家的 好榜样,父母以她为豪。【写作要求】只能用5个句子表达全部内容【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整 ,篇章结构连贯。根据各要点之间的逻辑关系,我们可以将题1 /V .、Art“ -豊1.4 一 p 7II 4 V中要点分成5组,以便每组用一个句子来表达;在 亦亠亠 ,句1姓名、职务、外貌特征、性格特点、r r* 、亠 、-八亠句2兴趣爱好一喜欢体育,能歌善舞(并I11111111句3英语学习(1)她刚进校时,遇到不少I句4英语学习(2)不怕苦,不怕难,努力组句成文中也要考虑各句之间的逻辑关系。/身体状况、学习成绩7同松诵/ 句2兴趣爱好_列关系)/困难(转折、时间关系)/把英语学好(结果)上r x P/句5品行评价(并列、结果关系)同时,句3和句4之间存在转折或让步关系;句5和前几句之间存在递进关系。翻译后连句成文(句 l)Li Min,a tall、healthy and active girl、is our monitress who does well in her lessons.(句 2)Not only does she like sports but also she is skilled in singing and dancing.(句when she first ccune here、it was hard for her to learn English well.(句QAlthough facing much difficulty、she worked as hard as she could thus making her English one of the best in my class.(句 5)Besides.Li Min is strict with herself and willing to help others when they are in trouble and because of this、her parents are proud of her and we all like her very much